You wonder where Probitatis found that really cool bug she is playing with. When you ask her, though, she just invites you to play. Alrighty then.
You went up to Probitatis to ask how hunting practice went today. She instead told you all about a cool bird she saw on the way. You guess she doesn't really want to talk about it. Ah well.
When you approach to say hello today, Probitatis steps back and snarls, but she continues to be nice afterwards.
You were enjoying the soft sound of birds. Then, Probitatis proudly sauntered up, farted, and then died laughing. They think it's far funnier than you do. Cubs.
Much to your surprise, Probitatis didn't try to get out of the activity today, completing it with relative ease. She wouldn't tell you why, though.
With a smile on her face, Probitatis paid rapt attention to the grasshopper, stepping carefully as she observed it closely, almost as if she was trying to learn its secrets.
After refusing to do it for ten minutes by using every excuse in the books, Probitatis finally chased after that jerboa, surprising everyone else as she easily dodged every shrub and tree until she victoriously pounced on the creature.
Grandpaw Imperium has been handed one of his grandcubs, who seems to have inherited his non-stop energy. Probitatis and Grandpaw Imperium proceed to have a conversation that's so fast, no one else can understand a thing.
Finding that nobody bought their excuse today, Probitatis decided to go into an unexpected frenzy in order to get this torture over with already, gaining them an easy win over their shocked and intimidated opponent.
You see Probitatis playing tag with Grandpaw Imperium. Aww, look at those two go! ... Wow, did Grandpaw Imperium actually manage to exhaust a full-energy cub this fast? ... And now it looks like he's trying to race with a cheetah. You shake your head. Seems like some things never change, no matter how old he gets.
You see Grandpaw Imperium running around, excitedly playing with Probitatis. The two of them seem to be having great fun, but how did he get Probitatis exhausted so easily? You decide you'll need to ask for some advice from Grandpaw Imperium later on today.