Heritage: https://www.lioden.com/heritage.php?type=1&id=794148560726
Cubs: https://www.lioden.com/cubs.php?id=794148560726
Sortis closes her eyes with nose up high when you praise her last bunny pouncing session. It was obviously amazing.
You greeted Sortis in passing, but she seemed embarrassed to say hi. She seemed to be desperately hiding some brambles caught in her fur from you.
Sortis ran a bit funny, tossing her head as if striking a pose, but at least she was fast.
Sortis had no interest in climbing until you told her that you thought she would look magnificent posing at the top of a large rock. And she did!
You came across Sortis off on her own, grooming. She had decided she didn't need any lessons and had snuck away. You'd never even noticed! Good job!
Sortis refused to chase a hare. She said she only runs just before sunset, as the lighting at that time of day makes her look better.
Sortis successfully pounced upon her opponent, then requested to try again. You were impressed with her dedication until she said it was because she thought she could do a more flattering victory pose.
Sortis had just finished grooming when she was tackled from behind. Upset to have her fur messed up, she enacted swift revenge!
You see Sortis playing tag with Grandpaw Imperium. Aww, look at those two go! ... Wow, did Grandpaw Imperium actually manage to exhaust a full-energy cub this fast? ... And now it looks like he's trying to race with a cheetah. You shake your head. Seems like some things never change, no matter how old he gets.
You see Grandpaw Imperium running around, excitedly playing with Sortis. The two of them seem to be having great fun, but how did he get Sortis exhausted so easily? You decide you'll need to ask for some advice from Grandpaw Imperium later on today.
Instead of relaxing today like Grandpaw Imperium had promised you, you spot him running circles around Sortis, taunting his grandcub every time they almost get him.
Grandpaw Imperium has been handed one of his grandcubs, who seems to have inherited his non-stop energy. Sortis and Grandpaw Imperium proceed to have a conversation that's so fast, no one else can understand a thing.