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" Mane Feathery "

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This lioness gave birth in the past two years. She is on a breeding cool down and will be breedable again in 11 real life days.
Your lioness has been flirted with 16 times! 14 have failed.
Lion Stats
15275 / 18590 (82%)
Level 14
Strength 103 Speed 99
Stamina 84 Smarts 116
Agility 112 Skill 52
Born With: Unknown Total Stats: 566
Lion Currents
Age 10 years, 4 months old
Sex Female
Pose Default
Sassy (Snarky)

Adult Stage
Newborn Stage 100%
Young Cub Stage 100%
Cub Stage 100%
Adolescent Stage 100%
Adult Stage 64.102564102564%
Elder Stage 0%
Breeding Info
Father Wyborn (Deceased) Mother CRB (Deceased) View Full Heritage
Last Bred 12 days ago Fertility Low View All Cubs Bred (0)
Appearance Markings
Base Isabel (Fallow Skin) Slot 3: Ember Inverted Cheetah (28%) Tier 3
Slot 4: Ember Crackle (18%) Tier 3
Slot 6: Brown Cover (63%) Tier 0
Slot 8: Feline 6 Elysian (45%) Tier 5
Slot 9: Feline 4 Maroon (42%) Tier 5

This lion has 5 markings hidden on the following slots:
12, 13, 14, 18, 20
Genetics Black Light Solid Common
Eyes Starshine
Mane Type Regent
Mane Color Chocolate
Mutation Mane Feathery
Marking Slots
Equipped Decorations

Scar: Back Scratch
Scar: Belly Scratch
Scar: Nose Ridge
Scar: Shoulder
Lifetime Hunting Results
Total Hunts 195 Successful Hunts 191 Success Rate 97%

Bred to •Sequoia• (#187224) - reason - Black Special slot 8 and special Base
Cost 200SB
2 Cubs
•Female, (Base) Eggshell (Gray Skin), (Genetics) Black Light Solid Common, (Eyes) Starshine, (Mane Type) Regent, (Mane Color) Chocolate, (Personality) Stubborn (Snarky), (Fertility) Average, (Stats) 287
Slot 3: Ember Inverted Cheetah (29%)
Slot 4: Ember Crackle (10%)
Slot 8: Feline 6 Elysian (54%)
Slot 11: Hidden

•Male, (Base) Silver (Fallow Skin), (Genetics) Black Medium Solid Common, (Eyes) Mint, (Mane Type) Regent, (Mane Color) Chocolate, (Personality) Arrogant (Snarky), (Stats) 272
Slot 1: Clay Zebra (48%)
Slot 3: Ember Inverted Cheetah (48%)
Slot 4: Ember Crackle (8%)
Slot 5: Noctis Points (29%)
Slot 11: Hidden

Bred to Samuel Hayden (#206648) - Reason - Males really pretty and great at throwing Muties
Cost 200 SB
1 Cub
•Male, (Base) Maroon (Pink Skin), (Genetics) Red Light Countershaded Rare, (Eyes) Sunglow, (Mane Type) Regent, (Mane Color) Chocolate, (MUTATION) Primal, (Personality) Fatherly (Kind), (Stats) 168
Slot 1: Arctic Carving (48%)
Slot 4: Ember Crackle (2%)
Slot 6: Brown Cover (32%)
Slot 7: Feline 1 Maroon (22%)
Slot 9: White Blaze (50%)

Bred to Reiðarr (#21415) - Reason (Mutie X Mutie)
3 Cubs
•Female, (Base) Chocolate (Dark Brown Skin), (Genetics) Red Dark Solid Common, (Eyes) Starshine, (Mane Type) Tufted, (Mane Color) Moonstone, (Personality) Vain (Snarky), (Fertility) Low
Slot 1: Sunset Siamese (5%)
Slot 2: Fiery Undershine (53%)
Slot 3: Ember Inverted Cheetah (49%)
Slot 5: Feline 2 Elysian (58%)
Slot 7: Feline 3 Elysian (60%)
Slot 9: Vitiligo 4 (70%)

•Female, (Base) White (White Skin), (Genetics) Black Light Solid Common, (Eyes) Mist, (Mane T) Scarce, (Mane C) Moonstone, (Personality) Sassy (Snarky), (Fertility) Average
Slot 3: Feline 8 Elysian (53%)
Slot 5: Feline 2 Elysian (41%)
Slot 7: Feline 3 Elysian (55%)
Slot 8: Under White 4 (65%)
Slot 9: Feline 4 Maroon (73%)
Slot 10: Celestial Speckles (45%)

•Female, (Base) Rust (Red Skin), (Genetics) Red Medium Countershaded Common, (Eyes) Starshine, (Mane T) Crested, (Mane C) Chocolate, (Personality) Unreliable (Snarky), (Fertility) Average
Slot 5: Feline 2 Elysian (47%)
Slot 8: Feline 6 Elysian (63%)
Slot 9: Vitiligo 4 (77%)

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