Belongs to ErebusAstraios V's Former Pride

Solstice (G)


Lion Stats
1841 / 7040 (26%)
Level 9
Strength 92 Speed 90
Stamina 84 Smarts 97
Agility 75 Skill 18
Born With: Unknown Total Stats: 456
Lion Currents
Age 14 years, 7 months old
Sex Female
Pose Kind
Trusting (Good)

Adult Stage
Newborn Stage 100%
Young Cub Stage 100%
Cub Stage 100%
Adolescent Stage 100%
Adult Stage 96.794871794872%
Elder Stage 0%
Breeding Info
Father Rajnish (Deceased) Mother ✨Darkened Redwood🖤 View Full Heritage
Last Bred More than 20 days ago Fertility Very Low (16%) View All Cubs Bred (1)
Appearance Markings
Base Ebony (Black Skin) Slot 1: Steele Feline Unders (89%) Tier 1
Slot 2: Demonic Rogue (100%) Tier 3
Slot 4: Feline 6 Onyx (91%) Tier 2
Slot 5: White Inverted Cheetah (44%) Tier 1
Slot 8: Under White 4 (47%) Tier 0
Slot 9: Sunset Crackle (85%) Tier 3
Genetics Black Dark Solid Rare
Eyes Mist
Mane Type Barbary
Mane Color Demonic
Mutation None
Marking Slots
Equipped Decorations
Golden Water

Jewelry: Jasper Adornment
Jewelry: Jasper Necklace
Ground Fog
Lifetime Hunting Results
Total Hunts 55 Successful Hunts 53 Success Rate 96%

Stats at birth: 326
Stats at aging: 385
Stats at 4yrs: 395
Stats at 8yrs: 427
Stats at 10yrs: 447
Stats at 12yrs: 456

~~Heats/Cubs Bred~~
Heat 1:
1 Try
1 F Cub (Kept)
Bred To: Perish Twice (#176012)
Bred At: 2yrs 6months

Heat 2:
1 Try
2 F Cubs, (Both Reserved)
Bred To: Bookworm Swordsman Xingqiu (#218428)
Bred At: 4yrs 8months

Heat 3:
2 Tries
1F Cub (Ebony- Sold)
Bred To: Perish Twice
Bred At: 6yrs 8months

Heat 4:
1 Try
1F Cub
Bred To: ErebusAstraios II (#229907)
Bred At: 10yrs 7months

Heat 2:
3 Tries
2F Cubs, (1 Mutated)
Bred To: Dirty Boi Kurapika, (#247911)
Bred At: 12yrs 6months

Keep snuck up on a sparrow and proudly gave a tiny roar.

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