Belongs to Queen Lumi's Pride
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Blue Light

"03.09.2021 Raffle Lioness"

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This lion is immortal! It will not age or get hungry.

Appearance Markings
Base Nadir (Matte Skin) Slot 1: Noctis Undersides (100%) Tier 1
Slot 2: Noctis Panther (100%) Tier 2
Slot 3: Feline 7 Noctis (40%) Tier 2
Slot 4: Blue Indri (30%) Tier 2
Slot 5: Stratosphere Vitiligo (100%) Tier 3
Slot 6: Steele Rogue (20%) Tier 2
Slot 7: Steele Pelage (30%) Tier 2
Slot 8: Feline 9 Noctis (60%) Tier 2
Slot 9: Onyx Panther (40%) Tier 2
Slot 10: Onyx Dorsal Line (100%) Tier 2
Genetics Black Dark Solid Special
Eyes Galaxy
Mane Type Savage
Mane Color Elysian
Mutation None
Marking Slots
Equipped Decorations
[Raffle] Lake Tanganyika

Punk Hair [Astral]
Shining Drongo Feathers Decor
Fortnight Lily
Black Panther Tailwrap
Light Rain
Celestial Detritus

Celestials: Southern Cross - Tree
Lion Spirit

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