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Pride | Tigon

" Tigon CLEAN"

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This lion is immortal! It will not age or get hungry.

Appearance Markings
Base Kunzite (Red Skin) Slot 1: Fuchsia Feline (100%) Tier 3
Slot 2: Arctic Smoke (100%) Tier 3
Slot 3: Nacre Unders (100%) Tier 3
Slot 6: Hyena Spots Scarce White (100%) Tier 3
Slot 7: Feline 9 Orchid (100%) Tier 5
Slot 11: Midnight (100%) Tier 1
Genetics Black Light Countershaded Special
Eyes Lavender
Mane Type Diabolic
Mane Color Skyward
Mutation Tigon
Marking Slots
Equipped Decorations
Can You Feel The Love

Silvery Blue Butterflies
Lab Test Frog
Broken Ritual
Purple Starling
Ogre-Faced Spider
Little Rascal - Leopon
African Grass Rat

Star Sparkles - High
Hanging Flora
Celestials: Sagittarius
Cotton Candy noticed your mane was looking a bit dirty and tangled, so she offered to groom it for you. You quickly declined, saying you'll take care of it later on your own. You still had a bald spot from the last time Cotton Candy cleaned you with their barbed tongue.

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