(Adopted 5-31-22: https://www.lioden.com/topic.php?id=304429453887&page=3 )
“Hello. Uh, I just talk? I don’t have to write anything? Oh- I see you’re writing my words. Ok. I could say anything and you’ll write it down? Hehe, that's kind of funny. I could just ruin this whole thing right now. Uh, what did you want me to talk about again?
Oh. Well, I guess that makes sense, my past is the most interesting thing about me. Should I start with, uh, where I got my name, or, where I was before this pride? Either? That’s not very helpful. What if I just did neither? Oh, ok. No I’m alright with talking about it, uh, thanks.
So, uhh, I guess I’ll start with the last pride I was in. I don’t remember how I ended up in that pride, Dara Ghrian said that my first pride ran out of space, so I got sent to the next one. That’s what he said Moogly said. I don’t remember a whole lot about my first pride, uh, I do remember- wait, I’m going to talk about that later instead. Can you, uh, undo that part? No? Ok. I hope you don’t mind that I suck at this because this is what you’re getting.
My second pride belonged to a very, very very, very very very murder-y and mean lion. He had cubs just so he could kill them, he was that mean. His name was Coy Fish. I lived in a cave that Moogly protected, where a bunch of cubs stayed before they would turn one year old. At one year old Coy Fish would kill them. Either that or the cubs would be given to another pride by Moogly, which is what happened to me.
Dara Ghrian came to the den where we all were, all dressed up with his wings and fog- did you know that all that decoration is just decoration? It doesn’t actually do anything, it’s just for show and they can take it off? Dara Ghrian just wears the wings to speak to other prides and sometimes to speak with the very fancy lions in this pride.
Off-topic? You said everything was important! No, I'm fine with continuing.
Dara Ghrian came to the cave and looked at all of the cubs, all of their records. I was very noticeably different, my heritage records were different from all the other cubs, plus I actually had a name. He spoke to Moogly, then he came over and spoke to me, and we got up and left. Easy as that. I don’t remember what he said to get me to go with him, I was more surprised at how easy it was to leave when Coy Fish wasn’t huffing down your neck.
It was very very hot, the walk to this pride. I did well in the heat, Dara Ghrian says. We still ended up going very slowly though. I tried to walk in his shadow to hide from the desert, which helped a little bit. It took us four days to get home.
I got introduced to the other cubs here and lions. So many lions were unmutated, but still kept around because they were so pretty. Everyone’s fur shone and everyone was super, like, big? It’s because everyone eats a lot. I got here and was given an entire warthog to myself which was a lot. Honestly, not complaining. When I get as giant as the other lions here you bet I'm going to be stealing some of their warthogs. Don’t look at me like that, we've obviously got plenty to go around. I wouldn’t steal if we didn’t, what do you take me for?
Everyone here was- well, is very nice. Sometimes it’s overwhelming. The only lions here that have scars are hunters, and the scars are just from hunting! I’ve heard that they catch buffaloes every day. Their scars are super clean and they look really cool. It’s weird. These lions are super plain- looking, but are kept around anyway. Probably because they’re really really strong. If I get a mentor I’d love for one of them to mentor me, maybe Chivalry or Crumbs.
Dara Ghrian was very curious about my name and where I came from, so I told him what I did know, about my first clan where we were trained and renamed as apprentices and warriors. He seemed to understand well, he said he has had some kits in other clans that had the same naming process. I think he wants to give me a warrior name, which is awesome! I wonder if he’ll make me an apprentice first, or if I get to go right to warrior, or if there are any ceremonies…
Uhm, all this excitement has made me a bit tired, hehe. Is it alright if we end here? Just for now, it’s kind of nice talking like this.”
“I turned one today, as you probably know. Dara Ghrian held a small ceremony, not everyone showed up of course, can’t expect over a hundred lions to show up for one kit’s naming. It was still nice, Dara Ghrian’s mother was there as well as the original hunters. He didn’t know the exact phrasing of the ceremony, of course, but I was given my name. He made me a hunter since I was interested in it, and he said it would make me stronger.
I don’t really have a mentor, per say, but I do follow all the originals on their hunting trips. It’s different than how I expected, they all bring me with them and show me how each of them hunt. It’s almost like having five mentors rather than one. We’ve brought back hippos, baby elephants, zebras, a lot of stuff. I’ve been hunting with another apprentice, or- well, I guess she’s not an apprentice? She’s younger than two but she’s not a ‘paw. Her name is Leopard Gecko and she’s got a big tongue. She does get, like, a little more extra treatment, because she’s a mut, but not crazy like in my last pride. She wasn’t born here either, she was… oh, she’s like you Cotton! You were both groupies, that's nice.
I’ve talked to other lions, to see if they want to escape, because, like, that’s all we did in my last pride. But no one was really interested in that? When I was younger we would maybe play “escape” but no one is like really planning on anything. Which is weird. I have to say, I do like this pride. Dara Ghrian is forgiving even when I’m being annoying. He’s talked to me about, uh, my issues and stuff. Like, he says I’m really rebellious and have trouble relating to my clan-pride mates, and that he could give me a magic thing to make me feel a bit better. That sounded better in my head. He’s been nice about it, it wasn’t like “you don’t fit in you can’t relate to us rahhh” it was a conversation. Anyway that’s something I’m thinking about.
Some lions don’t like Dara Ghrian a whole lot, like, they Like him in terms of he’s a good leader and he’s fine but they don’t agree with everything he does. One time the clan- I mean the pride, didn’t have enough land or enough money to get more land, so Dara Ghrian let a lot of lions go. But honestly I really don’t see the problem. He didn’t kill anyone, literally! All these lions have been born in a pride and don’t get that not living in a pride is good as well. Most of the people who took care of me in my last pride- hell, even my broodmother now wasn’t born in a pride! Not being in a pride can be pretty good depending. But, uhh, I think I’ll stay.
Speaking of, uh, my broodmother, her name is “Mother of Dara Ghrian” which I think is a dumb name. She’s very nice, and she looks a lot like Moogly, but without the incredible wounds. They have the same base pelt- probably why she was assigned my broodmother actually. She’s pampered here and never has to have cubs, because she doesn’t want to. I’ve asked and she says that she’s happy with the two she’s had, which is wild! When I’m big enough I’m going to smack Dara Ghrian until he gives her a better name. She liked hanging out with me while I was a cub, and still hangs out with me now, which is weird but nice. I haven’t come up with a solid opinion on her yet.
I haven’t really come up with a solid opinion on a lot of important things. It’s not like I’m dumb it’s just that I feel like my thoughts change every other day. Aqua says it’s an adolescent thing.
… It’s why I don’t want to talk about my last pride a whole lot right now. I’ve been talking more about it and thinking more about it and I guess I’m still confused. So I’ll get back to you on that when my brain stops being dumb. Maybe when I’m two.”
“I am four years and one day old. It has been over two years since I last did this, and I guess I thought I would have more answers about my life and my past.
But honestly, I don’t think so much about my past. It’s strange how something that I have so many questions about serves as an answer to other questions, if that makes sense. Like, why did I smack Dara Ghrian when he visited? Why did I talk to the others about leaving when there’s like no reason? My brain is still used to being defensive because of my past. At least that’s what I think. Does that make any sense? Ok good.
I don’t think about my past a whole lot, it’s so distant, it’s been years. It’s weird to think about, it feels like I’m talking about something that happened to someone else but I know it was me. Honestly, I’d rather talk about what I do and how I live now. I - That’s ok, yeah? Ok.
I turned two and a few months later I had children, but none of them were, I don’t know how to say it other than they weren’t good enough. That sounds very ominous. It wasn’t great but it wasn’t the end of the world! You don’t have any cubs either right Cotton? Yeah you know what I mean! Dara Ghrian’s main issue is territory space, since there's like a hundred lions in our pride and certainly not that many gold beetles. So if we have a cub that is lacking in terms of markings or Dara Ghrian thinks they won’t be able to produce good cubs themselves they will be chased or given to other specifically non-murderous prides or they will be given to the Gorilla Enclave.
It’s not awesome, I don’t love it. But I get it. Any cubs or lions Dara Ghrian sells are set at a high price to discourage buyers only looking for something to kill, so the cubs are always safe, just gone, and the pride can always get better lions. It’s just sad that I don’t have cubs yet really.
Dara Ghrian, I plan to ask him if he could have my next cubs. Well, for one thing he’s probably more likely to keep them around, especially since he plans to retire soon. I don’t know why we all bother to say “retiring” when retiring really just means dying. He’ll die and get to, what’s the work, florick? Flaunt? Flourick? Frolic! Thank you. What was I saying. Yeah there’s a double uterus lioness with these shiny blue wings that he’ll get to go and frolic with when he dies. Of course, the guy would like to have all the kids he can before that happens- legacy and all that. And I would like to do the same.
You’re probably not going to end up talking to me again before he dies, so I guess I’ll be all sappy now. He’s a good guy even though he’s dumb and stupid and yeah. He saved me which was good. He’s a good leader, even if he has to sell a lion he’s overjoyed when they go to a good home.
He gave me a warrior ceremony and my warrior name. Some lions showed up, and his mother even cheered for me, chanted my name like how it’s supposed to go. It was nice, everything was kind of incorrect in one way or another but it was charming and I quite like my name. He’s nice when I’m rebellious and good when some lions are literally downright evil. He is fair. This doesn’t really capture his vibe… he’s like someone who doesn’t know what being trans or gay is but does his best to be very supportive and it’s funny and kind of sweet is his vibe if that makes sense.
I’m glad to have known him and I am glad he is my king. Oh I forgot to say, he made me a hunter! I’m level 7 right now and on a hunting team with Smolder and Rose, two originals, as well as Zebra Moray Eel and Pastel Ring Wrasse, two very beautiful lions. Pastel Ring Wrasse is one of Blue Guppy’s kids, the double uterus lioness with the blue wings, and Zebra Moray Eel is one of Bronze’s kids who is also an original. Is she Bronze’s only kid? Do you know? Ok so she has a cub in another pride as well. It’s great working with them all, even when we don’t hunt as much as the “The Originals” hunting party.
I don’t know if I have more to say, I can’t think of anything and do need to go on another hunt. It was cool talking again though. Thanks.”
"Falconpaw huffs a greeting when you approach, but as soon as you're too close she smacks your cheek. Ow!" 6/12/22
Retired 11/23/22 at 15 years 5 months old