"Your fur grows green with the murk of the swamps, the dampness from which you spawned. Only remember, the swamps are dark, but there are spots of bright color. You may very well have found your turquoise in the lagoon."
Turquoise is notable for her abundant smiles and agreeable attitude towards everyone. She's always trying to keep everyone happy, and will never argue even when she disagrees. She comes off as charming and confident, but she's not all good. Although she's a good-natured lioness, some of that charm comes from her lack of trust in other lions. She keeps her feelings to herself and doesn't really think of anyone as trustworthy. She's quick to think badly of others, and expects betrayal so it won't hurt when it comes. She's apprehensive about befriending others. She does care about their problems, and so wants badly to help them, but her empathy is quiet and often behind-the-scenes. She's no over-achiever, and prefers to do things the quick and easy way. She was raised in the savage swamps in a pride not known for its intelligence, and her manners haven't quite caught up yet. She's a bit wild and odd.
Turquoise Lagoon was born in the deep swamps, among a pride of wild lions who were looked down on by nearby prides. Her father was a strange lion who looked over his pride from afar. Her mother was a lioness with snake-oil charm and a darkness that hovered at the edges of Turquoise's life. Turquoise was raised by her mother on the edges of the swamp, part of the pride but still distant. Turquoise was born in a time when the water was running dry, and the swamp's edges began to dry out. Turquoise's mother would leave her alone and come back charred and dragging burnt meat. Turquoise was told to stay put, but she often roamed, looking for water, when she became parched. So it happened that she stumbled upon the fresh corpse of a savage male. She saw her mother ripping through the meat and bones to bring the flesh back for them to eat. Horrified, Turquoise asked her mother what she was doing. Her mother told her to forget what she had seen and eat. Turquoise, queasy and disconcerted, pleaded that night to the orishas for the rains to come so she could go back to her life with her mother. That evening, a storm broke over the swamp. Turquoise felt a strange power, and she saw the visage of a mysterious loner, who beckoned for her to follow. She chose to leave her mother behind, and traveled along a rivulet, which turned into a stream, which turned into a spring. She was found the next morning by her new pride, and was certain that this would be her family. She lived her life well in the pride, and somehow she never seemed to be touched by the evil of Morpheus. She retired happily, and continued supporting her pride.
How do you feel about Monarch?
"My king was never important to me except that he cared for my pride, and so maybe I don't understand why Monarch is so important. It's enough to be among so many lions at once, the safety in numbers. I can't see where Monarch would fit in. He's not part of the way I see the pride."
Who is your favorite lion?
"I couldn't pick a favorite. I love each of these lions, and I want to help them in the way I can. I support them, and I hope they can support each other again one day. Even though they're struggling, I really do love them."
Who is your least favorite lion?
"If we're being honest - and if we keep this between ourselves - it would be my mother. I learned more about her than I wish I had. I guess I sort of knew there had to be something . . . wrong with her. It was too sudden, though. I still miss her, and that's why I don't like her."