
" A Queen Forever "

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This lion is immortal! It will not age or get hungry.

Appearance Markings
Base Antler (White Skin) Slot 1: Ukame Feralis (100%) Tier 3
Slot 3: Windfall Vitiligo (100%) Tier 3
Genetics Cream Light Countershaded Common
Eyes Brown
Mane Type Crested
Mane Color Heavenly
Mutation None
Marking Slots
Equipped Decorations
Sunset Over The Desert

Shiny Rock Left Nose Piercing [White]
Pearl and Flower Ornaments [Herbal]
Fiend Horns
Vulture Wings [Top]
Scorched Stones
Star Cluster - High

Vulture Wings [Bottom]
As Queen, she expected nothing but the best for herself and her pride. To keep everyone well fed and safe, to bring joy and happiness to her loved ones, and to help those in troublesome times.

Buckiee has always been apart of this pride, but she truly didn’t feel the love from her kings. As she was passed on from king to king, she never had a connection with any that followed and perished right after.

As you may be wondering, how has she outlived many kings before her. Well, my young cubbins, she is immortal. She may never age nor carry any young. She is only there to protect and serve those around her; the wisest lioness this pride has ever known.

Buckiee has only met one other lioness like her, and that is Avalanche.
Avalanche is the only lioness to ever be there in her time of need, when others only looked to her as the savior. Avalanche helped Buckiee through more then anyone could bare the weight of. Sadly, it is not looked upon as a Queen to have a friend/partner of the same gender. Their relationship was always kept secret.

By day they addressed each other as Queen and Maiden while at night, best friends and cherished lovers. The love between the two was astonishing. Truly have never seen such pure love and happiness. They grew up together as kits and have been by eachother’s side since.

The kings have never seen their forbidden love, until CCB (Cotton Candi Brandi) came along. He was always quick to watch as the two snuck off at night to go chat by the stream and hunt together. He’s always distance himself to make sure they didn’t see him. He confronted Buckiee a year after his Heiring ceremony. Buckiee was scared for her life as it is a crime to be with one of the same gender.

Brandi, with a stern face, told Buckiee that it was ok. He understood her past and knew that she had no one else like her but Avalanche. He honored Buckiee’s wishes to be with Avalanche and later changed the rules so that everyone was allowed freedom of love and trust.

Buckiee, now with an amazed grin on her face, will forever be with her lover and cherish those around her; peacefully.

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