Born 9/4/2022 <3
Gifted by Zambz #2687 - my first tigon ever! Got moms heat from a giving tree goodie bag <3
Babyyy you’re backkkk!! Much love to #356854 for selling you back to me <3
Cubs Bred
Strawberry Starshine noticed your mane was looking a bit dirty and tangled, so she offered to groom it for you. You quickly declined, saying you'll take care of it later on your own. You still had a bald spot from the last time Strawberry Starshine cleaned you with their barbed tongue.
Strawberry Starshine seemed down today. When you asked her what was wrong, she looked up at you with sadness in her eyes and asked why everyone treats her so differently.
First heat:
Used Zebra Heart+GMO+Buffy+IBF
- Mane Whiskered
- Mane Silky
- Sutekh Base pass from stud
- Dud
Second heat:
Used Buffy+GMO+Ochre Gnawrock (MR 100%)+IBF
- Mane Ruffled
- MR dud
Third Heat:
Used Buffy+GMO+Ochre Gnawrock (EHR 100%)+IBF
- Bobbed
- Foldie
- Melanism
Fourth Heat:
Used Buffy+GMO+Ochre Gnawrock (EHR 100%)+IBF
- Achro
- Foldie
- OG Teeth
- Rosette dud
Fifth Heat:
Used Buffy+GMO+Ochre Gnawrock (EHR 100%)+IBF
- 3 Rosette duds
Sixth Heat:
Used Buffy+GMO+Ochre Gnawrock (Seal Soft Rosette 82%)+IBF
- Mane Villous
- 2 Rosette duds
7th Heat: RESERVED FOR RAVEN #271570
Used Buffy+IBF
- 4 duds (thankfully >:( gifted you the heat because you were bitching in chat about getting no hybrids in February. You never once said “thank you” then after she failed, you bitched some more 💀)