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Lion Stats
0 / 100 (0%)
Level 1
Strength 37 Speed 29
Stamina 30 Smarts 31
Agility 37 Skill 8
Born With: Unknown Total Stats: 172
Lion Currents
Age 2 years, 8 months old
Sex Male
Patient (Kind)

Adult Stage
Newborn Stage 100%
Young Cub Stage 100%
Cub Stage 100%
Adolescent Stage 100%
Adult Stage 5.1282051282051%
Elder Stage 0%
Appearance Markings
Base Steele (Gray Skin) Slot 1: Haliotis Feline (73%) Tier 3
Slot 3: Under Silky 6 (79%) Tier 0
Slot 6: Pulsar Dim (41%) Tier 5
Slot 7: Ebony Okapi (75%) Tier 6
Slot 9: Blue Crackle (71%) Tier 2
Slot 10: White Feline Unders (34%) Tier 1

This lion has 3 markings hidden on the following slots:
12, 13, 17
Genetics Black Medium Countershaded Common
Eyes Amethyst
Mane Type Thick
Mane Color Rhodonite
Mutation None
Marking Slots
Equipped Decorations
Sunrise Over the Lake

Triquetra Anklet
Silver Rose Quartz Ornaments
The Demiurge
Falling Petals [Soft Pink]
Pentacle Wristband
Shiny Rock Left Earring Piercing [White]
Shiny Rock Left Triple Ear Piercing [White]
Shiny Rock Septum Ring [White]
Kopje Boulders [Front]

Lifetime Patrolling Results
Total Patrols 0 Total Stats Gained 0 Total Items Gained 0

Buy a ticket using an App of any kind in my Breeding Items Raffle- https://www.lioden.com/raffle.php?id=212111 - or send over some stuff you have extra from the list below labeled Future Changes, and you will be put down for 4 refunded studdings to Crow once he is kinged! Buying a ticket of GB or sending some of your extras over will count for 2 refunded studdings to Crow! :) If you do either of these things, please message me so I can put you down for the studding!
(Amount of refunded studdings is calculated purely by worth of items used or given.)
And if you are worried about investing in Crow, he has plenty of ways to change that! All the information you would ever need about Crow is just below, so you know what you're getting yourself and your lionesses into! ;)
Lastly! Please remember, Crow is a WIP! This means that he is not done and will be changing his looks, stats, and many other things before getting kinged. Please have patience with us as we try and reach this tremendous goal!

|Clean|G4|Rhodonite|ColorBomb|Patches-Ferus Mutation In Heritatge|
Hidden Markings-|Noctis Okapi(Slot 12)|Gilded Feline(Slot 13)|White Thrashed Unders(Slot 17)|

Breed with Special bases such as|Demiurge|Duat|Frostbitten|Lilac|Majivu|&|Rhino| for the best chance at a special base.
Use Mukombero for Primal(Ferus) in the next litter. Your Lioness cannot be any younger than 2 years or older than 14 years, nor can she be mutated. Additionally, the lioness that you give the Mukombero to can only be bred at night for a guaranteed 1 Primal(Ferus) cub.
If you have no Mukombero, the best option for a Primal(Ferus), is to breed a female Primal(Ferus) to a male Primal(Ferus) using a Pennyroyal.
Breed with Black Medium Solid Special for the best results and variety of cubs.
Thick Mane passes down|Normal|Scarce|Thick|

All Living & Deceased Mutations|Special Bases-Skin|Special-Event Eyes|ManeShape-Color|Stat|MarkingSlots|In Heritage.
Great GrandFather--|Patches(Corrupted)|Lilac-Greige|Dawn|Savage-Onyx|3876Stat|10M|

-Add Lab Test Frog
-Add Kind Pose
!!!Future Changes!!!!
-Change Base to|Water Hyacinth|Scent Of Water Hyacinth|
-Apply|Dusky|Skin using |Skin Changer|
-Apply |Amethyst Eyes| using |Dust:Amethyst|
-Change Haliotis Feline Marking Opacity to 100%-Marking Slot 1 using |Marking Opacity Changer|
-Add Peach Feralis 80%-Marking Slot 2 using |Taste Of Peach|
-Add Blue Ringed 80%-Marking Slot 3 using |Marking Applicator|
-Add Maroon Coat 80%-Marking Slot 4 using |Maroon Four|
-Add Rime Points 100%-Marking Slot 5 using |Rime Markings|
-Keep Pulsar Dim as is-Marking Slot 6
-Replace Ebony Okapi with Cimmerian Okapi 85%-Marking Slot 7 using |Marking Replacer|
-Add Feline 8 Orchid 75%-Marking Slot 8 using |Feline Applicator: Orchid|
-Keep Blue Crackle as is-Marking Slot 9
-Keep White Feline Unders as is-Marking Slot 10
-Add Cimmerian Face Carving 85%-Marking Slot 11 using |Marking Applicator|
-Replace Noctis Okapi with Briar Ripple 60%-Marking Slot 12 using |Marking Replacer|
-Replace Gilded Feline with Briar Margay 60%-Marking Slot 13 using |Marking Replacer|
-Make Background-|Sunrise Over The Lake|
-Add Decor-
|Silver Rose Quartz Ornaments|Jewelry: Rhodonite Veiled Circlet|Pentacle Wristband|
|Triquetra Anklet|Triskelion|Shiny Rock Septum Ring (White)|Shiny Rock Left Earring Piercing (White)|
|Shiny Rock Left Triple Ear Piercing (White)|Cherry Blossom Branch|Silver Claw Extensions|Silver Rear Claw Extensions|The Demiurge|Heath|Falling Petals (SoftPink)|Willowmore Cedar|Kopje Boulders (Front)|
|(GE - Myanmar) Royal Purple Plant|

Here he is fully kitted out! Of course, all the decor is not there, but once he is king, they will be! :)
!!!With Lab Test Frog!!! - https://www.lioden.com/wardrobe.php?c=UvVvoMmlFT

9/25/2022- Applied decor- |Falling Petals (Soft Pink)|Silver Rose Quartz Ornaments|Shiny Rock Left Earring Piercing (White)| |Shiny Rock Left Triple Earring Piercing (White)|Shiny Rock Septum Ring (White)|Triskelion|
|Kopje Boulders (Front)|(GE - Myanmar) Royal Purple Plant|Heath|

9/26/2022- Applied applicator - |Dust: Amethyst|

9/26/2022- Applied |Sunrise Over The Lake|

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