Belongs to Monsoon Odi Greensway's Former Pride

[G1-Clean] Queen Sables

"The Remaining Star "

Your lioness has been flirted with 4 times! 3 have failed.
Lion Stats
370 / 24750 (1%)
Level 16
Strength 30 Speed 28
Stamina 37 Smarts 28
Agility 29 Skill 36
Born With: Unknown Total Stats: 188
Lion Currents
Age 15 years, 11 months old
Sex Female
Pose Good
Humorous (Neutral)

Elder Stage
Newborn Stage 100%
Young Cub Stage 100%
Cub Stage 100%
Adolescent Stage 100%
Adult Stage 100%
Elder Stage 100%
Breeding Info
Father Unknown Mother Unknown View Full Heritage
Last Bred More than 20 days ago Fertility Very Low (5%) View All Cubs Bred (2)
Appearance Markings
Base Platinum (Dark Brown Skin) Slot 5: Feline 9 Orchid (31%) Tier 5
Slot 6: Briar Sable (29%) Tier 1
Slot 7: Feline 6 Auburn (35%) Tier 5
Slot 9: Haliotis Feline (69%) Tier 3

This lion has 1 marking hidden on the following slot:
Genetics Black Medium Solid Rare
Eyes Green
Mane Type Razor
Mane Color Obsidian
Mutation None
Marking Slots
Equipped Decorations
Okavango Swamp

Coffee Locust [1]
Blue Skimmer [1]
Albino Bee [1]
Carpenter Bee [1]
Giant Stick Insect [1]
Blue Diadem Caterpillar [1]
Purple Starling
Maghreb Magpie
Two-Banded Chameleon
Guernsey Lily [1]
Giant Pouched Rat
Reed Canary Grass [1]
Fancy Mouse [Blue Siamese Astrex]
Red-Cheeked Cordon Bleu
Kolbroek Piglets

Muddy Tree
Lifetime Hunting Results
Total Hunts 103 Successful Hunts 103 Success Rate 100%

🍃~Sables Vilo Whenhart~🍃
🌟 The Remaining Star 🌟
🌲 She/Her 🌲
Very old lady
She isn't based off any in real life animals I may have.
She is apart of the breeding project I have. There will be no sold heats from me.
Once she dies she will be stored in a pride dynasty.

☁️Game Information☁️::

She is not for trade or sale. No offers will be accepted.
Clean Generation 1.
Platinum Base, Obsidian Fur, and Dark Brown Skin.
Razor Mane, No Mutation, and Green Eyes.
Fertility is Very Low.
Hidden Marking: Guardian Vitiligo. (Slot 12)
!First Colourbomb!
Disclaimer: *Please* do not tell me what is and isn't a colourbomb. Colourbombs are mostly bright coloured and/or clashing markings. Everything else is opinion based.

Claimed December 2022, 26.
Died March 2023, 18.


She was found by a river starving. She was rescued by some of the lionesses of this pride and then taken in. She became broodmother for cubs due to her more kind nature. Whenever cubs, adolescents, and even lions alike are bored they go to her. She tells them stories, jokes, and even advice. The whole pride loves her.
She resides in a special fluffy yet colourful den with the cubs she watches. (All brood mothers have separate dens due to the amount of cubs they watch.) She gently places feathers, fur, and gems around the said den.

🌱~The introduction~🌱
Sables was by a river, she was too weak to hunt. Winter was very rough on her. She lapped up some water finally resting by. After hours she was spotted by lionesses. She quickly got up but the lionesses bowed, showing respect and kindness. Sables, confused, purred slightly lowering her head. The lionesses smiled and they titled their head to the way of the den, one was holding a warthog, and few others were bringing a zebra.

~🍀The Den🍀~
While at the den the other lionesses dragged the food away. There was a big stash, yet the lionesses are happy, huh? A big male came out of a den and smiled at Sables. He purred at her, greeting her. She saw some cubs running around and played with them. Curious, the male did another purr. Sables simply smiled at him. She saw a brood mothers den and went inside. The male smiled at her while cubs ran inside after. She had become a brood mother.

🍂Lioden Interactions 🍂:

You try and sit to have a quiet meal with Sables, but this was a mistake. She mentioned something about itchy testicles and you snorted wildebeest up your nose.

Chuckling, Sables runs towards you and rubs her head under your chin, then runs away to prance around.

While you are greeting each other, [G1-Clean] Sables licks your tongue by accident. Awkwarrrd.


🍉Markings at Full Opacity🍉:

http://bit.ly/3X8br9N - Has hidden marking too! Play around however you want. :-)

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