Belongs to Andateikah's Pride
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πŸ† 4G|Kitty Sharpclaws


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This lioness gave birth in the past two years. She is on a breeding cool down and will be breedable again in 6 real life days.
Your lioness has been flirted with 1 time! 1 has failed.
Lion Stats
408 / 3960 (10%)
Level 7
Strength 43 Speed 50
Stamina 37 Smarts 47
Agility 37 Skill 15
Born With: Unknown Total Stats: 229
Lion Currents
Age 9 years, 7 months old
Sex Female
Pose Neutral
Curious (Kind)

Adult Stage
Newborn Stage 100%
Young Cub Stage 100%
Cub Stage 100%
Adolescent Stage 100%
Adult Stage 58.333333333333%
Elder Stage 0%
Appearance Markings
Base Bandit (Dudley Skin) Slot 2: Nimravus Henna (57%) Tier 6
Slot 4: Cherry Reverse Vitiligo Mash (45%) Tier 3
Slot 7: Vitiligo 2 (27%) Tier 2
Slot 10: White Mottled Vents (20%) Tier 6
Genetics Red Light Countershaded Special
Eyes Glaze
Mane Type Katanga
Mane Color Divine
Mutation None
Marking Slots
Equipped Decorations
Splitting Sunset

Snake Skin Bodywear [Dark]
Hollow Battle Mask
Expression: Determination
Finespun Hyena Bodywear [Melanistic]
Augur Hood [Calamity]
Crested Drongo
Black Mongoose
Amber Fox
Silver Fox
Common Raven [1]
Least Weasel
Lifetime Hunting Results
Total Hunts 25 Successful Hunts 25 Success Rate 100%

Neutral Pose!

A rando young stray kitty arrived in my garage one cold December day. She now lives in my basement to keep her quarantined from any un-neutered suitors before she’s spayed. We refer to her as β€œBasement Kitty,” β€œKitty Softpaws,” or β€œKitty Sharpclaws.”

She’s so sweet and gentle…. when she wants to be XD

She’s a young wildcat so she can go from Softpaws to Sharpclaws in an instant!

Puss in Boots new movie good πŸ‘

Update: Irl Kitty has been spayed, recovered, and got c h o n k y lol 😻
Update again: Kitty has a furever home and is still chonk!

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