Belongs to 's Former Pride


" Retired Traveler "

Lion Stats
1010 / 2750 (36%)
Level 6
Strength 31 Speed 34
Stamina 29 Smarts 40
Agility 34 Skill 13
Born With: Unknown Total Stats: 181
Lion Currents
Age 15 years, 8 months old
Sex Female
Pose Jolly
Harsh (Evil)

Elder Stage
Newborn Stage 100%
Young Cub Stage 100%
Cub Stage 100%
Adolescent Stage 100%
Adult Stage 100%
Elder Stage 100%
Breeding Info
Father SulfuricTiberius (Deceased) Mother Jellie (Deceased) View Full Heritage
Last Bred More than 20 days ago Fertility Very Low View All Cubs Bred (3)
Appearance Markings
Base Chocolate (Lavender Skin) Slot 4: Steele Shroud (39%) Tier 0
Slot 7: Under White 2 (94%) Tier 0
Slot 8: Leonid Feline (47%) Tier 3
Slot 10: Sunrise Margay (51%) Tier 3
Genetics Red Dark Solid Common
Eyes Crystal
Mane Type Barbary
Mane Color Dusty
Mutation None
Marking Slots
Equipped Decorations

Albino Bee [1]
Scar: Beaten Up
Fluffy Cheeks [Dark Brown]
Shiny Rock Left Earring Piercing [Teal]
Albino Snake Decor
Rabbit Fur Cloak
Purple Starling
Great Auk
Réunion Fody
Fancy Mouse [Fawn Dutch Standard]
Frosted Whiskers
Snow Storm
Albino Ball Python
Maghreb Magpie
Whispering Glow
Moonlit Emblem

Sun-Dried Jackal Head
Taurus Fir
Lifetime Hunting Results
Total Hunts 10 Successful Hunts 10 Success Rate 100%

~~𝐒𝐡𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐩𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐝, 𝐏𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐨𝐟 𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐬~~

1. Return the lioness to her first pride (#348115) when she turns 12!
2. Keep her for 3 rollovers
3. Add decors but don’t remove decors
4. Do not change her name.
5. You are allowed to breed her and keep her until the babies are weaned, I don't want any babies bred they are all yours but please add her cubs in her life story.
6. Keep her happy and well fed
7. Be sure to write down your pride when she enters yours, along with your player number
8. Don’t keep her, kill her, chase her, or sell her this is for fun and we need to share with everyone!
9. Add onto her life story with every pride she stays with the more lore the better I enjoy reading what people wrote! ❤️
10. Make sure to write your name, what decor you added, and your player number.
11. Have fun!

1. (#348115) Growing up, I always wanted to know how the world was outside of my pride. I got to meet very lovely lionesses that would come and go. They called themselves travelling lionesses. I wanted to do that too! I asked permission from my father to leave the pride in search of adventure. He agreed and I'm old enough to set off on my journey before leaving my friend Chad, he gave me a little mouse as a companion. I can't wait to meet new lions just like me!
[+ Fancy Mouse Fawn Dutch Standard]
2. (#166009) I set off on my journey with high spirits, excited for the journey ahead. However, travelling proved itself to be tougher than I initially realised. Hunting without a party of lionesses is tough, and finding shelter in unfamiliar territory can be rough. I wound up on the edge of a neighbouring kingdom, weary and bedraggled, and very hungry. Fortunately, though, I was spotted by another lioness. She had sunny golden fur and wore a rabbit fur cloak. Behind her was a strange, golden leonine being wearing dazzling armour that caught the sunlight. She introduced herself as Aikaterine, and the spirit protecting her was the Sphinx. She listened to my story, and her eyes lit up. "I'm a traveller too!" she exclaimed. "I was separated from my pride as a cub and had to find my way home. Come with me, and I'll help you get back on your feet!" Aikaterine took me into her territory - a sprawling kingdom on the rocky coast - and let me sleep in her cave until I was well. She made sure the hungry cubs didn't eat my mouse and gave me some travelling advice. Before I left, Aikaterine slipped a rabbit fur cloak over my shoulders, just like hers. "To keep you warm!" she said with a smile.
[+ Rabbit Fur Cloak]
3. (#251840) I spent some time with King Hawkfrost and his pride. I got pregnant and had my first cub! I love her so much and named her Leafshade. When she was born a little bee landed on her head and it never seemed to leave me. I also found out my father had passed since I've been on the road. That news hit me hard, he may have been a tough ruler but he's still my father. Anyways I raised my little girl as best as I could as a first time mother. She's my pride and joy but it's not safe for her to wander the plains with me. As an executive decision I left her with her father and his pride so she can grow up safely. I went back travelling to learn more things and meet new lions.
[+Albino Bee]
4. (#359284) I stumbled upon a hunting group. The head lioness took one look at my travel worn self and invited me to spend some time with her pride. I was impressed to see a fairly large pride consisting of three caves in the side of a rockface. Seeing the cubs play with their mothers sent a pain through my chest as I thought of Leafshade. All of the adolescent lions wanted to hear about my adventures so far. They were so surprised to learn about traveling lionesses. One adol in particular exclaimed that she wanted to become one. She had a fiery red coat and introduced herself as Calendula. Her mother was nearby and gently reminded her she has been training for months to be a hunter for their pride. Calendula reluctantly let it go, but her eyes still shone with a desire for life beyond this pride. I thought she would make a fine travel companion one day, but did not dare mention this in front of her mother. After resting for a few days and sharing my stories. I readied myself to continue my journey.
[+ Réunion Fody]
5.(#348411) I was robbed by an evil pride and all of my things are gone.... Luckily I escaped with my life by Yung Gravy a king. Apparently he a great ally with my home pride and got me back safe and sound. He told me he's trying to get my stuff back otherwise he'll give me new items to carry along with me. I'm also pregnant again with this pride's king. I'm excited to see what my babies or baby looks like. Also snuh has appeared everywhere and I'm starting to see humans. The humans are interesting to watch in the snuh so I leave them be as I watch from afar.

A nice little update, I got my stuff back! Yung Gravy made a deal with the robbers and I have my nice rabbit cloak and also my bee, mouse, and bird! Yung Gravy also gave me a big ol snake to take with me. He did warn me to keep him feed so he doesn't eat my other friends. I think I'm in love with him he's been the best king to me so far and I have his cubs. I am gonna dread leaving this pride but I will leave a final update before I leave here....

I had a beautiful baby girl! Since she was born in the winter season I decided to name her Snow Drift. I'm gonna leave her with her father since it wouldn't make much sense bringing her along with me. Once she turns 5 months I'll head off on my journey. It's a blessing knowing my baby will be safe here with her father. Best of wishes, Anastasia ❤️
[+Albino Snake Decor]
[+ Jolly Pose]
6. I soon arrived in a rather large pride, a few cubs running up to meet up as I arrived. Through all the commotion they caused, it wasn't long til the prides King arrived. He introduced himself as the Rat King, though I found that a rather funny name. He didn't resemble a rat in the slightest! I found the clan calming, especially at night, the light seeming to light up sky. During my time here, I enjoyed many nights basking in its glow. It wasn't long until my time came, thanking them for sheltering me during my journey, before heading out to find my next destination!
[+Albino Ball Python]
7. I woke up in a daze, confused and paranoid from hunger. I cry out looking for food trying to find something, ANYTHING, to eat. After a while of crying I hear a roar in the distance. I follow the roar desperate to find the source of the noise. Then up ahead I see a large male lion. He looks at me and says, "Hello Miss, are you in need of assistance?" I beg and plead with this male. "I'm desperate for some food! I haven't eaten in days." He looks up and down at me then turns around asking me to follow him. I agree and was brought into a hidden pride in the jungle. He explains that he's the king of this pride and his name is Balfor. While I stayed here in his pride I gave birth to another child. Unfortunately this time the baby didn't survive since my body was very malnourished from the lack of eating. It took me a while to recover from the loss of my baby but otherwise I was treated well in this pride. Once I was completely healthy I headed off on my next adventure bringing some food with me for the road.
[+Frosted Whiskers]
[+Maghreb Magpie]
[+Snow Storm]
[+Fluffy Cheeks [Dark Brown]
8. As I traveled onward I came across a familiar face, it was Chad! I was so excited to see him again. He says, "I'm no longer taking care of the travelers my son is now." I was surprised to learn that he had a son but he introduced to him, his name is Baklava. Baklava took me back to the den where my journey started and he gave me a warm meal and a cozy place to sleep. I got to see some old friends and they gotten so much older than I first remembered them. I also got to see my mother Jellie she was so happy to see I was okay. I'm afraid that once I leave my home pride again I'll never see her again just like my father. I also got to meet my half sister Nutmeg! She's very sweet and gave me a skull to take with me on my journey. I also got to meet the new king that took my father's place. He was very kind and much different than my father but it's nice to see everything is running smoothly since my last time here. Once I was rested up and ready to go I said my goodbyes to my mother and all my old friends hoping I'll see them again soon.
[+Sun-Dried Jackal Head]
9. As I traveled, I bumped into an large lioness, she scared me at first. However after an goofy "Hello! I'm sorry!" I immediately calmed. I said "hello, my name is Anastasia" with an smile. "I am an traveler, may I stay for a bit?" I asked. "Of course! My name is Amare! It is great to meet you!" The lioness replied. It turns out Anare was the leader of the pride, I was well fed and showered with gifts. [+ Shiny Rock Left Earring Piercing [Teal] ]
10. Anastasia wanders to a new pride, as she had done time and time again. This one was much different, however. They spoke about how they were waiting for the return of their pride mates. They told her of how their gods would bless these certain lions, all hybrids, and would be able to go into heat often and bear many cubs for the pride. However, before she could come to see this pass, it was time for her to go. These lions were stuck in their longing for their lost pride members. [ added Snowdrops ]

11. I found myself in a vast desert, seeking refuge from the heat in a plant filled cave that this pride called home. I stuck to myself for the most part, having been warned by the other lionesses that one of Nezah’s sub-males, Aegon, had become unpredictably violent with the last traveller who stayed here. So while the pride was kind and open to the best of their abilities, I still felt alienated there. One morning however, I was woken up by a bright eyed and orange spotted lioness looming over me. I yelped, jumping up to my feet, startled by her presence. Upon seeing this, she jumped back as-well, apologizing for startling me. “Oh shoot! I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. I was just waiting for you to wake up.” Her voice was bright and kind. I glanced past her, looking outside the cave, seeing that it was still very dark. She woke me up early. I was confused at first, but she explained to me that she had something to show to me, beckoning me outside. “My name is Terhong by the way.” She flashed me a warm smile, something special glistening behind her pink eyes.

I followed Terhong for a few hours, enjoying good conversation and the feeling of cool sand between my toes. She told me about herself, about how she was considered a hunting prodigy by her pride. She showed prowess in stalking and taking down prey from a young age, leading to her being put in charge of hunting parties when she grew older. “The thing is…” she spoke softly “I never really wanted to be a great hunter. More than anything, I wanted to be a traveller. I wanted to see new places, meet new lions, and maybe…” As she said this she looked down, her eyes seemingly filled with regret. I wasn’t sure how to respond. I settled on wrapping my tail around hers. A silent, but hopefully comforting gesture.

We arrived upon our destination. Within a cave that was hidden beneath the sand, Terhong brought me to a large cavern, in which a huge Fir tree was hiding. I was taken aback of course. A fir tree inside a cave? In a desert of all places? How was it possible? Terhong explained how she had found it one day mysteriously, unsure of its origins. “Because I haven’t been able to become a traveller, I come here sometimes to get a glimpse of what the world beyond these deserts and savannas of our territory might be like.” She paused a moment, looking up and giving me a look that said a thousand words. Silent and personal words that I will carry with me forever. She sighed, breaking eye contact. “Could you tell me some stories from your travels?” I obliged, telling her of the many prides I had been to in my time. We bonded for many more hours, the light of the morning sun slowly flooding in through the cave entrance. The light glistened off of her beautiful fur, illuminating the cave walls around us. All the while we laid close to one another, our tails remaining intertwined all the while. I hope Terhong understood how much our time together meant to me.
[+Taurus Fir]

12. When Anastasia first arrived in Levante's territory, she was intimidated by the fierce King that ruled over those lands. She decided to stop there anyway because the rest of the pride was very welcoming and kindly offered her shelter and food.
Anastasia ended up remaining in that pride for some months and during that time she also got to know Levante better, he looked fierce and evil on the outside, but he actually cared a lot for the rest of the pride and after he warmed up on the traveller a bit, he also showed her his kind side. At some point Anastasia also had a little female cub from the king and because of her new baby, she decided to remain in his territory for a few extra months before departing again for her journey.

13. I had begun to hear so many stories of a desert not too far from me by Lions of all kinds huddled in groups. They called themselves wastelanders or survivors... No matter what they called themselves, they all talked about A Desert called The Endless Desert... Most of the lions spoke of the desert as a cursed place filled with terrifying demons and an Evil God who devoured the souls of all who crossed its path. However, others fondly talked of the desert, especially the prides that reside in the supposedly dangerous desert. I enjoyed listening to their stories and the company of all these peaceful nomadic lions.
"I don't think I have seen you around these parts, are you a traveler?" one of the Lioness suddenly asked. I looked up at her, bewildered that one of the nomads knew what about travelers, but more so at the lioness' beauty. All the other nomads looked ruff and ragged like they'd never been in a pride before, But she looked clean and was elegantly decorated with skulls and stones. I quickly stopped staring at her, introduced myself, and answered her questions. "It is nice to meet you, Anastasia, and I see you are quite far from home... But I will have to advise you to not visit the Endless desert." It was odd that the lioness was aware of my interest in the desert; I just wanted to know what parts of the story were true or false! But before I could respond to her, the lioness cut me off, explaining that the stories were mostly all true and that the place was deadly to outsiders.
"Especially now, if you visit, you'll only leave as a spirit... Please heed my warning and not enter the desert." The lioness warned with a stern expression. I gazed wide-eyed at the lioness, unable to respond to her until another Nomad called out to me, asking if I was alright. Bewildered, I looked over at them and said I was fine... Until they asked me why I was talking to myself. "No, I was talking to... her" When I looked back to the lioness, she was gone... like she was never there in the first place. What was I talking to? a mirage??? It was crazy... too crazy...

In the end, Anastasia decided it was for the best not to enter the Endless desert... She did stay with the Nomads for a bit, hunting with them and listening to more stories, even sharing some of her own. However, when the time came, all the nomads said their goodbyes and left the area. Anastasia explored the now-empty area, where all sorts of lions come to visit. This place had been used as a meeting spot for a long time... it was obvious by how the ground was shaped by the many paws that walked across it. Why did lions meet here? A question Anastasia would never get the answer to.
(Anastasia went on several hunts while visiting the Nomads)
[+Great Auk]
14. My time in the Wyrsaliz Pride started off, well in a very terrifying way. I turned from the deserts to the lush valleys and mountains after the mystery mirage Lioness’ warning and stumbled straight into a pack of hunting hounds! The humans were hunting me!! They weren’t the best but this was the first time I’d ever been hunting and I ran for my life, literally!! Before I could even realize what was going on I was surrounded by other lions, Three fierce Lioness and a black and white male descended upon the humans and their dogs with a vengeance. There was… so much blood. I’m not sad to see the humans go but… did they really have to be so brutal?! I expected the same kind of treatment but I was thankfully wrong. The male introduced himself as the King of the Pride, Walks in Winter. With him were introduced as Sunset Painted Stripes, Stalks in Starlight, and Rend Asunder. I was surprised when one of the lioness began giving orders to the other two and they followed them without question, all three of them departing to continue patrolling. Walks in Winter must have seen the surprise on my face because he explained, Rend Asunder was the leader of their huntress and it fell on her scarred shoulders to direct the huntress of the Pride and he trusted her without question, she was the one that had spotted me running for my life towards the mountain and gathered the Lioness to my defense.
Walks in Winter explained a few things about the Pride as he led me to the base of the mountain and up into some tunnels. The tunnels opened out into a beautiful grotto where many lioness roamed around, a few padding up to great their King and eyeing me curiously but not maliciously. “You’re a traveler right?” I asked him how he knew and he just smirked at me. “You travelers tend to have a… shall we say menagerie of companions with you.” he winked before turning his attention to the many lioness that wanted his attention. He was cheeky but kind with all of them and I watched on with a smile on my muzzle.
I was escorted to a cave set aside specifically for travelers, a huge Smilus male introduced himself as Watches at Dusk and let me know he’d be the one making sure that my stay was comfortable and I fulfilled any tasks my King had given me such as hunting or exploring. He laid down the rules, which seemed more than fair, I was allowed to spend time and interact with the Lioness in the Grotto, the first place the King brought me, along with any caves that were further down from the Grotto, but I wasn’t allowed any higher or deeper into the mountain that that. Only the King’s favorites and the Huntress were allowed higher upon the mountain. I was given time to settle myself and my little animal friends in and recover from the absolute nightmare that running from the humans turned out to be.
My time with the Wyrsaliz Pride was peaceful and enjoyable. I played with the cubs and listened to stories from the Elders, I laughed and chatted with the Lioness of the pride. Their gossip and teasing of one another was heartwarming and the easy way they included me in their daily routine despite me not being part of their pride was incredibly heartening. I was not allowed to join any of the hunts, the Huntress didn’t tolerate anyone that didn’t specifically have instructions from their King to gain training skills from other prides. They took both the providing of food and the protection of the entire Pride very seriously. I even got to chat and spend time with the most exotic looking lion I’d ever seen! I found out later she was a Tigon, a mix between a Lioness and a Tiger!! Her plush fur and silky stripes were entrancing! I could see why Walk’s in Winter considered her one of his favorites! A Pair of twins arrived during my stay, some sort of human contraption strapped around their neck. Between Walks in Winter, Watches at Dusk, and their Shaman, Sunbeams on Water, they were able to remove and destroy the devices. I didn’t like the humans really, I’d never encountered one that wasn’t up to something nefarious but this Pride seemed to have an extreme grudge and hatred for them that went beyond mere dislike. I didn’t want to risk their ire so I didn’t ask if there was anything more to it. After the twins arrived, another traveler showed up in the dead of night, only for us to all find out she was infected with some incurable disease!! It caused an uproar and in a single night she was banished to a cave on the outskirts of the pride. The area she’d inhabited for just that night cleansed by the Shaman… So much excitement, and also so much peace. I’ve truly enjoyed my time here, hopefully I can come back some day. Dances in Frost, the exotic Tigon I made friends with is heavy with cubs, I’d like to see them someday!
[+Purple Starling]
15. I was taken in by a pride located in an odd marsh. I was brought here by a dwarf doing some scouting on the outskirts of his pride; he saw me searching for a place to lay my head so he invited me in.
The marsh was surrounded by a swamp in an oddly intentional way. I could sense an odd aura engulfing the area, but not a Malevolent one.
I was told that I would be staying with Spooks, the dwarf that brought me in. He seems to be some type of royalty, and is highly respected, even as much as the queen, so this was something to take as an honor.
The pride’s shaman, Snow-Plain, took interest in me, and noted that I had a different feel.
The closer it got to my first full moon here, I felt the aura getting stronger, especially at night. The feeling wasn't sickening, in fact, it was the opposite; I felt more energy, and felt a peaceful energy flow through me. Snow-Plain also seemed to notice that something was happening to me, and that it wasn’t something she had seen before. This made me worried, but Snow told me not to stress, and that she would ask the spirits what they thought. She then ran off and disappeared; a few days passed, and she was yet to return. The feelings continued to grow stronger.
Finally, after about a week missing, I was awoken in the middle of the night by Snow. She looked hollow, and spoke with different voices layered and out of sync; the spirits must have possessed her.
"Our dear Anastasia, we apologize for any confusion or worries you may have had. The changes you feel in this area are natural for those sewn with lunar thread. This is why we chose to meet you here.”
Their words made me feel dizzy, it felt like the words disappeared as soon as I heard them.
The spirits must have noticed, because Snow’s body came closer to me and nuzzled my forehead, this oddly seemed to clear it up, and their words began to make sense.
“Pardon us, your celestial isn’t fully unlocked so attunement was still needed, we should now sound clear.”
And in fact they were. Their voices were no longer jumbled, and sounded like one.
“Your soul has led you here as planned. While you may not remember, you were offered a gift from your planet’s moon some time ago when your spirit was created. It seems that you have come to claim it.”

I don’t remember much after that, but my eyes glowed with the moon’s energy, and my heat came sooner than expected. I gave birth to two cubs, Lineal and Vere, both sired by the pride’s queen. These cub’s were part of my gift, the three of us seem to be able to communicate, in a sort of false plain, it’s somewhat like a meeting spot for our souls. I’m still discovering parts of my gift, like the calming energy I create under moonlight.
Now that my soul has made peace, I’m headed home.

[+ Moonlit Emblem]
[+ Whispering Glow]
Flavor texts from her travels
1) You want to tell a pride mate that they need to correct their behavior, but you couldn't find the words and you felt bad. So, you approach Anastasia and ask her to do it for you. She laughs at your ineptitude, but agrees. You can trust her to say what needs to be said.

2) Anastasia comments on your lack of skill in sparring with other lions as you approach. Sheesh.]

The end of my travels

I left my children with the pride's queen. I grew tired and sad after leaving them but I knew they would be safe there I was much too old and tired to care for them and this journey is treacherous for two young cubs. After a few months I finally see a familiar face. Chad laid underneath a tree with a slight breeze blowing is mane in the wind. I call to him, "Chad!" He looks up and smiles, the wrinkles on his face curls as he expresses his face. I come and lay next to him and at my head on his chest. Then I see my daughter Snow Drift come and run towards me. I hop up excited to see my daughter once again. She explains that Yung Gravy her father allowed her to go live with my home pride so she can wait for my return. We embraced each other and once I smelled her sweet scent on her fur I knew I was home.

Previous Prides

1. ORIGINAL PRIDE -Havarti Sadaf 🧀🐀 #348115
2. FIRST STOP - Sirocco #166009
3.king hawkfrost- darkmoon84 #251840
4. Alana - #359284
5. Caviar Jones 🐈-#348411
6. Michael (he/they) #380619
7. Mother Twitch
8. Havarti Sadaf 🧀🐀 #348115
9. RandomCat
10. Stringworms
11. Lee
12. Len
13. AshFire
14. Nixie
15. PantherWaltz on 2023-03-19

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