Belongs to Vaskar's Pride
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"The Patron of Passion"

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This cub is immortal! It will not age or get hungry.
Appearance Markings
Base Ginger (Coral Skin) Slot 1: Hibiscus Rogue (100%) Tier 3
Slot 2: Hibiscus Feralis (100%) Tier 3
Slot 3: Feline 8 Maroon (100%) Tier 5
Slot 5: Cherry Glaze (35%) Tier 3
Slot 8: White Limb Patch (42%) Tier 3
Slot 11: Cherry Inverted Cover (80%) Tier 3
Slot 12: Cherry Venter (80%) Tier 3
Slot 13: Merlot Snuggle (25%) Tier 3
Slot 15: White Freckles 1 (59%) Tier 3
Genetics Red Medium Countershaded Common
Eyes Intense Blood
Mane Type Diabolic
Mane Color Rough Ruby
Mutation Lipomatosis
Marking Slots
Equipped Decorations
Lover's Cave

Lipomatosis BlepCustom Decor
Lipomatosis Expression AdCustom Decor
Albino Feline Wings [Top]
cake for lipo.Custom Decor
Glimmering Grass - PinkCustom Decor

Violet Tree
Albino Feline Wings [Bottom]
Flowering Umzimbeet
Powder-Puff Tree
Ledalia lived a rather lavish life despite her body's rebellion against herself. She was fed well, groomed and loved to the very end. Although there was no saving her, the poor cub took care to love and appreciate every moment of her short life. In her passing, the poor cub's mother wept, pleading for the gods to let others know what it felt like to be so loved as her cub loved her. So moved by the mother's love for her deceased cub, the gods granted the mother her request. Ledalia would live forever as the Patron of Passion, filling the world with her love and optimism, her thirst for life.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

🌺 Your lioness gave birth to horizon, and notices it is different to all the others. It has lumps all over its tiny body, but appears healthy otherwise. 🌺

🌿 The lumps covering horizon’s body are getting bigger... 🌿

🍄 horizon has trouble moving. Looks like some lumps are growing deeper inside of the little horizon's body as well. 🍄

🧚‍♀️ horizon no longer plays with other cubs, having all its energy drained by trying to stand up or walk with all that weight.🧚‍♀️

🍒 You notice lumps covering horizon's spine and back. The cub doesn't move very much lately and is very apathetic. 🍒

🌹 horizon passed away due to health complications. 🥀

Used Lion Meat + CRB on NCL (from Nat 4 cub litter.)

Hope is always on the horizon 🦅🖤🕷

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