Born on: 13.11.2022
Cursed Preacher
Mother: Alruwh of the unknowns
Was born with the help of Cotton Root Bark in
Carol Dienheim (#52808) den.
[Day 1]
Your lioness gave birth to
Cub, a slightly deformed baby. She's unsure if it will survive but it seems to crawl for milk like all others.
[Day 2]
Cub crawls around using its front legs only. The merged hind legs don't seem to bother it, and it seems to be able to poop just fine.
[Day 3]
Other cubs this age prance around, but
Cub just paws at nearby insects, making it a bit of an outcast.
[Day 4]
Cub's mom is worried for it - it does not seem to grow much lately.
[Day 5]
Cub has trouble digesting and hasn't been eating much in the past few days. It meows quietly from pain.
[Day 6]
Cub passed away due to health complications.
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