"there's a reason london puts barriers on the tube line,
there's a reason london puts barriers on the rails.."
born on the 12/12/22, twin of jericho, daughter of play to win, granddaughter of frost and niece of la jolla.
as you walk up to jubilee, she drops whatever she was doing immediately. she's ready and willing to do whatever you ask!
happy to see you coming, jubilee offers you her grooming services.
after a long hard day of exploring, jubilee offers to knead your shoulders. you happily accept, and you feel great afterwards!
you find jubilee splayed out near some water, panting heavily and looking generally miserable. she started to complain about how hot it was today, and how she wanted to go play in the snuh. you give her a weird look - it feels great today, and snuh is way too cold to do anything in!
jubilee noticed your mane was looking a bit dirty and tangled, so she offered to groom it for you. you quickly declined, saying you'll take care of it later on your own. you still had a bald spot from the last time jubilee cleaned you with their barbed tongue.
elysian gon breeder <3
heat i - 2/1/23
buffy, opal saltlick
1x ice, no gon
heat ii - 22/1/23
buffy, opal saltlick
no gon
heat iii - 11/2/23
buffy, opal saltlick, rock salt
no gon
heat iv - 1/3/23
buffy, opal saltlick
4 cubs, no gon
heat v - 20/3/23
2 cubs, no gon
heat vi - 9/9/23
buffy, opal saltlick
3 cubs, no gon
heat vii - 1/10/23
ibf, opal saltlick
2 cubs, 1 gon
heat viii - 20/10/23
1 cub, no gon