Born; 01/12/2023 from a Ncl mother. No items were used :0
Appearance changes;
38x rmas used
1st heat; (Me + #191587)); 1x buffy, 1x crunchy, and 1x opal saltlick used| 3 cubs| no pons lmao
2nd heat; 1x buffy| 3 cubs | 1 pon + 1 kiman
3rd heat; (#191587) 1x buffy + 20x y barks | 3 cubs | no pon
4th Heat; 1x buffy + 20x y barks| 3 cubs| 1 pon <3
5th Heat; 1x Buffy + 20x y barks|3 cubs| no pon
6th Heat; 1x buffy + 1x crunchy + 20x y barks| 4 cubs| 1x kiman pon + 1 mott ros primal
7th heat; 1x buffy + 1x gnaw|4 cubs| 1 dr +3 nhr
8th heat; 1x buffy + salts | 4 cubs| 1x pon
9th heat; 1x buffy| 4 cubs | no pon
10th Heat; 1x Buffy| 4 cubs| 1x pon
11th Heat; 1x buffy| 4 cubs| 1x ala primal MR + DR, no pon
12th heat; 1x buffy + 18x y barks| 3 cubs| 1 pon
13th heat; 1x buffy + 20 y barks| 3 cubs | no pon
14th heat; 1x buffy + 20x y barks| 3 cubs | 2x Pon! nice!
15th Heat; 1x Buffy + 6 y barks |3 cubs | No pon
16th heat; 1x buffy | 3 cubs | no pon, 1x kiman
17th heat; 1x buffy, 1x saktlick | 4x cubs | no pon
18th heat; 1x buffy, 10x y barks, 1x opal saltlick, 2x gnaws|3 cubs| no pon, 3 DR’s
19th heat; 1x buffy, 20x y bark|3x cubs| no pon
20th heat: 1x buffy, 20x y barks|4x cubs| no pon, 1x primal
21st heat; 1x buffy, 1x lion meat, 20x y barks| 3x cubs| no pon, 1x polycaudal
22nd heat; 1x buffy, 20x y barks|3x cubs| no pon, wtf
23rd heat; 1x buffy, 20x y barks|3x cubs| no pon, srsly
24th heat; 1x buffy, 20x y barks|3x cubs|1 pon, you almost gave me a heart attack-
25th heat; 1x buffy, 1x lion meat, 19x y barks|3x cubs| 1 pon, 1 AMP
26th heat; 1x buffy, 19x y barks|3 cubs| no pon
27th heat; 1x buffy, 20x y barks|4 cubs|2x pons! + 1 Nefer DR
28th heat; 1x buffy, 1x opal salt lick, 1x GMO cow, 18x y barks |3 cubs| no pon, 1x ahcromia, 1x bobbed tail, 1x mane fluffy ew
29th heat; 1x buffy, 18x y barks|3 cubs| no pon
30th heat; 1x buffy, 18x y barks|4 cubs| 1x pon, 1x primal
31st heat; 1x buffy, 19x y barks|3 cubs| 1x pon
32nd gear; 1x buffy, 19x y barks| 4 cubs| no pon, u must hate me >:(
33rd heat; 1x buffy, 1x SoD, 18x y barks|3x cubs| 1 pon :DD
This litter brought a small surprise: a cub that is different to normal lion cubs. Upon questioning - in fear of being chased or killed - the lioness admits to a small rendez-vous with a leopard when she was in heat... The cub is a hybrid! What will you do now!?
You were startled at the sight of a feline too small to be a lion stalking around on the outskirts of your pride. You were about to chase off this intruder, then you realized it was just *The fuck practicing her pouncing.
You were surprised to find *The fuck sopping wet when you went to say hello. She had apparently heard leopards were decent at fishing, and she wanted to try it out.