bought on 24/01/2023
second bought ferus
second ferus in this pride
third favourite lioness
You were fast asleep when suddenly you heard Icicle roaring! You arrived just in time to chase off an invading lion. You're glad she was paying attention!
Icicle awkwardly followed this- giant lion. He shuffled his paws in every step as each vine and root curled in them, he couldn't know what he could do- new life, new people. More friends at least! That was the only upside, friends. And this lion had plans for him- good ones- I think. He thought. The mud squelched uncomfortably under his paws, making his usually curly fur damp and straight. It was weird, why was it SO different from his other pride? It was dry- Less warm because it was really hot. And he didn't want to speak up What if this lion got angry and left them? In this big- strange rainforest. Well, clearly this lion noticed he was uncomfortable because he got whisked up surprisingly gently, He was amazed by how high up he was- It would take like- a really big rock for him to climb up on to see all of this! He was so tall now- Well he was being carried now. But the sun shined on his purr, the mud dried crunchily on his paws but it was FINE. There were giant vines and flowers blooming and a bunch of insects buzzing. He dozed off to sleep slowly, every bump in the ground and the buzzing insects lulled him to sleep.
Icicle was jerked awake- placed in a small space beside a really- REALLY- tall tree with a bunch of scratches. He looked around, wide-eyed. Then he spotted some funny little cubs playing around- And one looked like him! He cheerfully ran toward them, smiling wide and joyfully. "Oh my goodness! Hi! Hello! I'm really-real new here and uh, Can you show me around? Maybe this cub can? I don't know- I'm just excited to meet someone that looks like me- kinda!" His paws tip-tapped on the ground as he looked back and forward with stars in his eyes. The two cubs look kinda awkward though- But the blue-red one spoke up. "Uh, I'm sure Frostbite can help. She's been here longer than me." They nodded to the brown-blue one called Frostbite, and he looked at them excitedly. "So uh- What should I know! Probably what dangers, or like- What caves are there- The lions! Please tell me!" Frostbite slowly nodded, before smiling cheerfully and explaining the surroundings. "Well, that tree is called the 'Climbing tree.' Not really called that, but we call it that. That cave over there is Yarrow's field." She pointed toward a cave with white flowers and skulls. "And the other one is called 'Echoing cave' After Fadingecho- The king. That's basically all you need to know, you can probably introduce yourself to the rest of the lions here. Oh, yea- This is Iceburn and I'm Frostbite- As you heard." She scritch-scratched stuff into the ground. Icicle nodded, dashing off to introduce himself to the others. Before deciding to not too, He could get some rest right now. He ran off to Yarrow's field and poked around, finding himself in a nice moss-fern nest. It was surprisingly soft, probably freshly made for cubs, like him! He rolled around in it and fell asleep.
Something poked him, he slowly blinked open his eyes to see the lion- Well, Fadingecho. But it frightened him, he scrambled to his feet and stood upright. Fadingecho chuckled and placed something down- A leaf with blue and pink water, it looked strange- Kinda weird. Icicle tilted his head at Fadingecho, with a confused look. "What am I supposed to do, drink it?" Fadingecho nodded, and Icicle shrugged and took a quick sip. It tasted like some tropical fruit- Or some potions. Whatever it was it made him feel a bit weird. Icicle shrugged it off, going back to bed.
Some time passed, and he got shaken awake. He sluggishly got up and looked at his waker- Great, Iceburn. "For the last time- I don't have a pet croco-" "SHUT UP! Come on, we're going to train. Let's go." He followed Iceburn, scrunching his snout as he got led to the stupid rock trees in the stupid clearing. Iceburn stopped at the giant-stupid rocks, with a giant-stupid tree. Icicle scratched his claws on the rocks, sharpening them a bit before going toward the giant tree and leaping up the tree slowly. Falling and getting caught by Iceburn- Before getting thrown at the DUMB rock-climbing thing, He groaned before climbing up like a slug- His paws getting scratched and bruised as he exhaustedly laid down at the top, panting heavily and fell asleep uncomfortably- Before Iceburn yelled. "GET DOWN HERE, YOU SLUG! COME ON." Icicle snarled as he climbed down, cursing Iceburn under his breath. "Wow, you summoned me. Now WHAT. More torture?" Iceburn rolled her eyes, "No, you little stick-bug. We are going to the river, to cool off." Icicle's heart dropped, Stripes was there. "uh, suree..." He murmured under his breath, Iceburn led the way again- with her stupid face grinning.
Iceburn paused, taking a deep breath in before looking at Icicle. "Come on, go swim or whatever your useless face is for." Icicle snarled, snapping at Iceburn "Your LITTLE 'face!' How about YOU go swim? How about YOU scratch your paws? How about YOU GET BRUISED EVERYDAY BY A STUPID-IDIOT WHO KEEPS COMPLAINING WHEN YOU DONT GET KILLED!" Iceburn stood still for a moment, probably thinking. "Well, how about YOU live to expectations? How about YOU get called weak? How about YOU start thinking about WHAT I GO THROUGH! Your life may be terrible, but mine is WORSE!" Countered Iceburn, her claws started digging into the dirt. Uh oh. "You think it's just SOOO BAD FOR YOU! I'VE GOT IT WORSE! I HAVE BEEN TRYING TO LIVE WELL, TRYING TO NOT CARE! I FEEL YOUR PAIN- BUT YOU DON'T FEEL MINE! YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND ME AND I DON'T UNDERSTAND YOU!" She lashed a scratch at Icicle, roaring at him. Icicle looked at Iceburn, hurt and full of hatred. He ran off, going to where he always knew Stripes were.
Stripes sat with their mouth open in the sun, lazing around like always. Icicle's anger went away, into joy. This was the best part of his day, hanging out with Stripes. 'My favorite Crocodile, Stripes.' He thought, Laying beside Stripes he lightly nudged him. "Heya, Stripes!" Stripes didn't answer, they just kinda shook their head in a cute way. "You're too cute, How about we go swim for a bit?" Stripes seemed to understand that and slowly clambered onto him. As they did that, Icicle helped Stripes up and slipped into the water- Trying to balance and not tip over. Stripes snapped his jaw a bunch as he swam, Maybe an instinct? Whatever it was, it was cute!