Belongs to Hector IX's Pride
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" Twinkle Toes II "

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This cub is immortal! It will not age or get hungry.
Appearance Markings
Base Decennial (White Skin) Slot 5: Feline 3 Noctis (100%) Tier 2
Genetics Red Light Solid Special
Eyes Zoisite
Mane Type Diabolic
Mane Color Elysian
Mutation Extra Limbs
Marking Slots
Equipped Decorations
Maritime Pine

Joyful Extra LimbsCustom Decor

Shrub Formation [Green]
[GE - Greece] Olive Tree
HERITAGE: https://www.lioden.com/heritage.php?type=1&id=794185823262
Clean, 5th Generation Extra Limbs lethal.

THANK YOU SO MUCH Wossunz#112894

You've noticed that Grandpaw Hector VIII has been spending a lot of time with **⭐️Wossun⭐️ lately. Grandpaw Hector VIII swears that he hasn't picked a favourite - honest!

No one apart from Grandpaw Hector VIII seems to be able to get **⭐️Wossun⭐️ to sit still for more than five minutes.

**⭐️Wossun⭐️ is climbing all over poor Grandpaw Hector VIII's back, while pretending to be a magnificent king. Luckily, he seems to be quite alright with it.

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