Born 3/16/23((My birthday!!)) With 63 stats
10th Tigon to be born into my pride from Apollo's first heat
[Named after the Goddess my modern name is based off of!]
[Heat Logs]
First Heat - Buffalo scrot, IBF
Results: 3 Fodder
Second Heat - Buffalo scrot, IBF
Results: 3 Fodder, 1 NHR
Third Heat - Buffalo scrot, IBF
Results: 3 Fodder
Fourth Heat - Buffalo scrot, IBF
Results: 3 Fodder
Fifth Heat - Buffalo scrot, Black stallion, IBF
Results: 3 Fodder 1 Tigon!!
Sixth Heat - Buffalo scrot, Black stallion, IBF
Results: 3 Fodder
Seventh Heat - Buffalo scrot, Black stallion, IBF
Results: 3 Fodder, 1 Dappled :,)
Eighth Heat - Buffalo scrot, Black stallion, IBF
Results: 3 Fodder
Only 1 tigon ever produced 😭