Belongs to Argentina's Pride
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Mirtha Legrand

"G4 clean"

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This lioness gave birth in the past two years. She is on a breeding cool down and will be breedable again in 13 real life days.
Lion Stats
21929 / 21560 (100%)
Level 15
Strength 67 Speed 55
Stamina 68 Smarts 61
Agility 68 Skill 69
Born With: Unknown Total Stats: 388
Lion Currents
Age 14 years, 7 months old
Sex Female
Pose Default
Needy (Snarky)

Adult Stage
Newborn Stage 100%
Young Cub Stage 100%
Cub Stage 100%
Adolescent Stage 100%
Adult Stage 96.794871794872%
Elder Stage 0%
Breeding Info
Father ᴢᴇɴɪᴛʜ (Deceased) Mother Mystic Khione View Full Heritage
Last Bred 10 days ago Fertility Very Low (1%) View All Cubs Bred (7)
Appearance Markings
Base Divine (Black Skin) Slot 1: Frostbitten Lace (65%) Tier 3
Slot 3: Hoarfrost Dust (57%) Tier 3
Slot 4: Feralis Noctis (22%) Tier 6
Slot 5: Fuchsia Ghost Feralis (60%) Tier 3
Slot 9: Sunset Lace (46%) Tier 3
Genetics Black Dark Countershaded Special
Eyes Sapphire
Mane Type Scarce
Mane Color Ebony
Mutation Tigon
Marking Slots
Equipped Decorations
Lifetime Hunting Results
Total Hunts 270 Successful Hunts 262 Success Rate 97%

To be frozen until Feb. 10th, 2023! W/NO RO!
Starting: August 21st, 2023
Owner info:
Name: Pyroar
ID: 196078

Grandpaw Intarsia was kind enough to entertain -BABEY at the break of dawn when they woke up early. He goes on to tell them of the times you would wake up early and come tug on his mane to try and wake him up. It's funnier on the other end of it, Grandpaw.

Having been picked on all day by their siblings, -BABEY has had enough. Preparing to pounce on a particularly bratty cub, Grandpaw Intarsia swoops in just in time. He scolds -BABEY for not showing forgiveness towards siblings.

Born 3/22/23
Your cub touches the stone and grows rapidly in front of your eyes!
Your teenager touches it to absorb the adult knowledge and become more mature.
Your lioness gulps down the zebra heart.. she should now be in heat and ready to breed! There are no more uses left for this item!
Chasteberry used
You give the lion meat to your lioness, convincing her it's just a slightly-rotting antelope. After eating it, she exclaims that she feels very sick. Cannibalism is... unsettling. Not only because you intentionally hid where the meat came from, but it clearly did something bad to her body.

食月者 greeted you happily as you approached. Then, she idly said she had this neat story from yesterday, but maybe you don't care enough to hear about it. Because you didn't want to listen to her yesterday. Because you were busy with other pride mates. No, it's okay, she understands. She's not as important as them. She's sitting very close now. Uh.
First heat: Gon and patches!
Items used: lion meat, buff, ibf - one Gon

While you were trying to enjoy a nap, -食月者 bounced around excitedly, asking you to take her on an adventure. You growled at her to let you sleep for a couple more hours, to which -食月者 huffed and mumbled something about how lazy lions are. You would have batted at her, if you weren't so tired.

食月者 seemed down today. When you asked her what was wrong, she looked up at you with sadness in her eyes and asked why everyone treats her so differently.

食月者 greeted you happily as you approached. Then, she idly said she had this neat story from yesterday, but maybe you don't care enough to hear about it. Because you didn't want to listen to her yesterday. Because you were busy with other pride mates. No, it's okay, she understands. She's not as important as them. She's sitting very close now. Uh.
食月者 seemed down today. When you asked her what was wrong, she looked up at you with sadness in her eyes and asked why everyone treats her so differently.
Lion meat, yoh bark, 2x chaste
Roaring your name, -食月者 approaches you asking why didn't you come earlier, she's been waiting the whole morning!

You cheerfully greet -食月者 and she huffs a bit. She wants to know where you were yesterday. Apparently she looked everywhere!

5/10/23: lion meat, I forgot to note but hhhh no gon

5/27/23: used lion meat, three more days till heat

5/30/23: in heat! Used 2x chaste, lion meat, buffy, ibf - didn't pass nor other muts (I swear to gods you're so close to death)

6/6/23: You find -食月者 splayed out near some water, panting heavily and looking generally miserable. she started to complain about how hot it was today, and how she wanted to go play in the snuh. You give her a weird look - it feels great today, and snuh is way too cold to do anything in!

6/19/23: heat happened, used buffy, ibf, black stallion - no gons four cubs that were ugly

-食月者 noticed your mane was looking a bit dirty and tangled, so she offered to groom it for you. You quickly declined, saying you'll take care of it later on your own. You still had a bald spot from the last time -食月者 cleaned you with their barbed tongue.
8/18/2023 Last Natural heat! W/new owner. Let's see what we get !
Okay, so no gon and ugly cubbins :( I'd like to freeze her until February, but it'll be kinda hard.
Unpleasant whispering fills your lions ears as its fur starts to rise up with a static feeling. Looks like your lion has been granted a Divine look.

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