Skillful huntress, but not to be trusted to actually bring back the prey—intact, anyway. Needs supervision. Every time you think it's safe to leave her alone—what prank could she possibly pull here?—she finds a way to cause a new, inventive problem.
She is probably the most uncooperative member of the pride, but surprisingly well-liked. At worst, she is simply tolerated by some; by others, she is dearly appreciated.
Though she acted quite smitten when she joined the pride, in many ways, she has since shown more interest in other lionesses than she has in the pride leader. She and Sarca have a jovial relationship, and there's no enmity between the two, but he soon came to realize she had other priorities on matters of romance, and though she's happy to nurse litters, outside of that exchange their friendship is largely platonic.
Seeing how things played out between Sarca and Eden came as a relief to certain other members of the pride who had been far more reserved about their natures before they'd seen how it all unfolded.
Though she's capricious and often flirts with many of the lionesses in the pride, Eden has a particular fondness for Somnia, whose words—when she's willing and able to be forceful with them—prove to be some of the only ones with sway over Eden. Though Somnia usually hangs back and stays outside the conflict between Eden and others, when she feels the need to intervene, Eden shows surprisingly little resistance; she'll sulkily obey what's said, with some halfhearted grumbling about how she's just no fun at all sometimes and occasionally a nonplussed look in her direction. When Somnia is truly serious, those traditions of feeble resistance are done away with, too.
She was one of the first to welcome Ceres into the pride and help her open up to the others, despite their contrasting personalities. (For that matter, Eden seems to gravitate towards those with personalities different from hers in general; Ceres, Somnia, and even Sarca all display temperaments quite far from her own.)