β„­π”¬π” π”ž β„­π”¬π”©π”ž

"β„­π”¬π” π”ž β„­π”¬π”©π”ž "

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This lion is immortal! It will not age or get hungry.

Your lioness has been flirted with 1 time! 1 has failed.
Appearance Markings
Base Bloodstone (Blue Skin) Slot 5: Bandit Cloud (48%) Tier 3
Slot 9: Frostbitten Lace (19%) Tier 3
Genetics Red Dark Solid Special
Eyes Pink
Mane Type Incubus
Mane Color Orchid
Mutation Tigon
Marking Slots
Equipped Decorations

Celestial Moon [Tigon]Custom Decor
You can't even relax for a minute without β„­π”¬π” π”ž β„­π”¬π”©π”ž 𝔩𝔦𝔀π”₯𝔱 climbing all over you, nipping and pulling at your ears.

As you two greet each other, β„­π”¬π” π”ž β„­π”¬π”©π”ž 𝔩𝔦𝔀π”₯𝔱 moves away when you get too close. You try to approach her again, and she begrudgingly accepts the friendly nuzzle you offer her. She looks a bit bothered about it, though.

Memory Used: 676.08 KB - Queries: 19 - Query Time: 0.00709 - Total Time: 0.01329s