Belongs to qino's Pride
(View Former Prides)


"Traveling lioness"

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This lioness gave birth in the past two years. She is on a breeding cool down and will be breedable again in 19 real life days.
Lion Stats
3054 / 5390 (56%)
Level 8
Strength 20 Speed 14
Stamina 18 Smarts 19
Agility 27 Skill 14
Born With: Unknown Total Stats: 112
Lion Currents
Age 4 years, 11 months old
Sex Female
Pose Evil
Mischievous (Evil)

Adult Stage
Newborn Stage 100%
Young Cub Stage 100%
Cub Stage 100%
Adolescent Stage 100%
Adult Stage 22.435897435897%
Elder Stage 0%
Breeding Info
Father Unknown Mother Unknown View Full Heritage
Last Bred 4 days ago Fertility Good View All Cubs Bred (1)
Appearance Markings
Base Dark Golden (Dark Brown Skin) Slot 2: Golden Tail (34%) Tier 0
Slot 10: Under White 8 (97%) Tier 0
Genetics Golden Dark Solid Common
Eyes Glass
Mane Type Scarce
Mane Color Caramel
Mutation None
Marking Slots
Equipped Decorations
Clean Lake

Scar: Anklebiter
Black-Lored Waxbill
Scar: Front Leg Right
Lifetime Hunting Results
Total Hunts 35 Successful Hunts 35 Success Rate 100%

Nursing Cubs
This lioness is currently nursing the following cubs...


•arora is a travelling lioness, which means she will stay within your pride for a limited time only. Once name has stayed in your pride for 3 rollovers, she must be then handed off to another player. It it is important that they have agreed to taking her in.
•Do not send Arora to a player without asking them first
Ensure the person you are sending Arora to has read these rules and agreed to them
•You are free to add whatever decor you’d like, please keep a log of which decors you add if you would like to do so! (So that if later down the line, a player wants to remove that decor, they can return it to you)
•If you wish to remove a decor item someone else has applied to Arora, check name’s log until you find the player and then send them that decor item back
•You can apply marking, base and eye applicators to Haru if you’d like ( these won’t be returned)
•Do not alter her name or tag, if you accidentally do so, here is what you can copy and paste accordingly: Name : Arora. Tag: Travelling Lioness
•If you wish to breed Arora, you may. She can be kept all throughout her pregnancy, and until her cubs are fully weaned, if you wish to keep them. Once her cubs are reared, send her to the next player (if you do not want to keep them send them to : Proudmane #247334)
•Arora has to return to her birth-pride upon the age of 12! To return her, send her to proudmane (#247334). Due to breedings, there may be some complications as to not being specifically 12, but around the 12 year mark, please return Arora.
•It is optional, however I’d like for those who take her in to add a little flavour text, or a little story, as to what Arora got up to in your pride! This doesn’t have to align with her personality, it’s just for lore.
Once you receive Arora, fill out the template below!

Arora is a foster cub without any parents she’s a great fighter but doesn’t like it until one day she decided to join the tournaments but she was rejected and she was aggressive towards the lion that insulted her for trying to join the tournament there for she was kicked out of her pride since she smacked the heir. She decided not to stay long in any pride after that and watched the tournaments.

1st Pride: (#247334 ) / Proudmane / Coda protector of souls

When the champion ships started Arora was very sceptisch about it. Why would lions battle against each other without any reason. Arora disliked the fights but couldn’t look away either. After almost the end of may she noticed a blue Ferus later she found out his name was Coda. They chatted and she decided to join his pride. Later after learning some extra skills from Coda she decided to move on.

Decor items equipped:

-clean lake
- scar ankle biter

Decor items removed:

2nd Pride: (#280520) / Qino

(When Arora arrived Akita was very jealous. All the attention was now taken from her. Qino, the King was really glad to meet her and invited her to stay here for as long as she wanted. Akita wasn’t happy at all. The next day Arora chatted with the pridemates and played with the cubs. Barely anyone had time for Akita. Everyone wanted to spend their time with Arora until she would’ve left. Qino noticed Akitas jealousy and told her to stop being rude to the guest, instead she should try to be friends with her. After a while Akita noticed Arora trying to cuddle with Qino and he clearly seemed smitten by her. That’s when Akita was furious and pounced Arora to show who was in charge. The pridemates gathered around the fight and tried to separate them. Only Qino was able to separate them after a long brutal fight. Akita was proud of herself as she licked her bloody paws clean. The King, Qino came to the point where he had to tell Arora to leave to prevent life risking fights like that one.

Decor items equipped:
-Black-Lored Waxbill

Decor items removed:

3th Pride: (#User tag) / Optional: Username / Leader’s name

(Little story / flavour text about Arora’s time in the pride!)

Decor items equipped: (Optional)
-Name of item

Decor items removed: (Optional)
-Name of item

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