Belongs to Splendidis's Pride
(View Former Prides)

Oil Spill

"The council has decided "

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Lion Stats
0 / 100 (0%)
Level 1
Strength 39 Speed 31
Stamina 30 Smarts 28
Agility 29 Skill 14
Born With: Unknown Total Stats: 171
Lion Currents
Age 9 years, 2 months old
Sex Male
Chivalrous (Good)

Adult Stage
Newborn Stage 100%
Young Cub Stage 100%
Cub Stage 100%
Adolescent Stage 100%
Adult Stage 55.128205128205%
Elder Stage 0%
Breeding Info
Father Splendidis Mother Prism View Full Heritage
Last Bred N/A Fertility N/A View All Cubs Bred (0)
Appearance Markings
Base Liver (Dark Brown Skin) Slot 1: Leonid Smoke (43%) Tier 3
Slot 3: Blue Poinsettia Snuggle (63%) Tier 3
Slot 4: Feline 6 Elysian (24%) Tier 5
Slot 7: Algae Ripple (55%) Tier 1
Genetics Black Medium Solid Common
Eyes Pink
Mane Type Savage
Mane Color Noctis
Mutation None
Marking Slots
Equipped Decorations
[D] Namibian Meadows

Expression: Shy Groupie
Screaming Rabbit Relic
Fluffy Bracelets
Rabbit Fluff Tail
Muddy Roots
Lifetime Patrolling Results
Total Patrols 16 Total Stats Gained 38 Total Items Gained 5

You were about to settle in to munch your breakfast, but Oil Spill stopped you. He pointed out that some of the meat had gone bad. Thanks for the save, bro.

You heard last night that Oil Spill cleared some fallen branches and brush from a path near the den. Now the lionesses can drag prey back easier! Nice!

You were feeling a little bit of anxiety over the rumor that the hyenas would attack soon. Oil Spill sat next to you, however, and told you that he would proudly stand by your side no matter what happens.

Harv 🦌🏳️‍🌈 (#350256)
@[382802] looks like oil on water
2023-06-08 06:37:09

Vera (#158086)
@[382802] tiny, tiny oil spill
2023-06-08 06:37:11

Side of Spaghettiii (#79437)
@[382802] bro looks like an oil puddle
2023-06-08 06:37:16

Side of Spaghettiii (#79437)
@[382802] the council has decided his fate
2023-06-08 06:38:30

Vera (#158086)
@[382802] Good. Let it be his identity
2023-06-08 06:38:54

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