Born August 18th, 2023
Obtained September 12th, 2023 at 2 years 1 month old.
Litter 1- September 12, 2023
Cub 1: dud 0m
Cub 2: dud 1m
Litter 2- October 2, 2023
Cub 1: dud 5m preon
Cub 2: amp 6m preon
Cub 3: dud 6m preon
Litter 3- October 22nd, 2023
Cub 1: bobbed tail 5m preon
Cub 2: folded ears 4m preon
Cub 3: TWO HEADS 4m preon
Cub 4: dud 5m preon
(Used 13 shadows of death)
Litter 4- Oct 29th, 2023
Cub 1: mane fluffy 3m infertile preon eggshell
Cub 2: polycaudual 6m preon eggshell
Cub 3: dud 5m infertile preon eggshell
(Used 6 shadows of death and 2 yohimbe barks)
Litter 5- Nov 10th, 2023
Cub 1: amp 5m infertile preon eggshell
Cub 2: dud 6m infertile preon eggshell
Cub 3: achromia 6m preon eggshell
(Used 1 yohimbe barks)
Litter 6- Nov 29th, 2023
Cub 1: dud 4m infertile (
Cub 2: dud 4m very low(
Cub 3: dud 4m very low(
Cub 4: dud 5m infertile (
I am very disappointed in her rn
Litter 7- Dec 19th, 2023
Cub 1: dud 1m preon eggshell infertile
Cub 2: dud 5m preon eggshell very low
Cub 3: TIGON!!! 7m preon eggshell
Litter 8- Jan 8th, 2024
Cub 1: dud 8m preon eggshell
Cub 2: dud 4m preon eggshell infertile
Cub 3: dud 5m preon eggshell very low
Cubs born:
Litter 1 used: Black stallion and either a GMO or a lion meat
Litters 2-5 used: Black stallion, GMO cows, buffalo scrotums, opal saltlicks, and rock salts(on the male)
Litters 6-8 used: Black stallion, lion meats, buffalo scrotums, opal saltlicks, and rock saltlicks
Flavor texts:
FIRST GON YESSS noticed your mane was looking a bit dirty and tangled, so she offered to groom it for you. You quickly declined, saying you'll take care of it later on your own. You still had a bald spot from the last time FIRST GON YESSS cleaned you with their barbed tongue (Sept 16, 2023)