At some point, likely in her youth, Mindfang became a “protege” to Doc Scratch. Coming into possession of one of his magic cue balls and hoping to use it without his knowledge, she hid it with an Expatri8 to her domain, who had a strange ability to mask its presence from Scratch . The cue ball foretold that Mindfang would one day meet the Summoner and become involved both in his rebellion and with him romantically, though he would also be the one to kill her .
Mindfang, “commanding a notoriously deadly fleet of Gam8lignants” , entertained a long rivalry with fellow sailor Dualscar. The two kept each other's activities a secret thanks to their continued romantic engagement ; when a public dalliance between Mindfang and a slave offended Dualscar, however, he had the slave assassinated and went to the Grand Highblood with reports of her crimes.
Though the Grand Highblood was not amused with Dualscar's report and had the sea dweller killed in turn, legislacerators were still ordered to bring Mindfang to justice. The Neophyte Redglare attacked the gamblignant fleet with a dragon, and with her lusus and arm eaten and vision eightfold burned away , Mindfang was brought before His Honorable Tyranny. The courtblock was filled with lowblooded spectators “ravenous for the comeuppance of a 8lue 8lood”, Mindfang assuming that the Highbloods intended to make a spectacle of her execution; this crowd worked to Mindfang's advantage, however, as she was able to psychically manipulate the rabble into putting Redglare to the gallows instead. Defeating His Honorable Tyranny , Mindfang fled back to her domain and the home of the Expatri8, hoping to cure him of his solitary depression with the project of building her a new arm .
While staying with the Expatri8, Mindfang recorded the cue ball's predictions of the Summoner in her journal, no longer being able to see into it thanks to the loss of her vision eightfold. Presumably its predictions about her demise later came to pass, as the Summoner's rebellion was credited with the banishment of all adult trolls from the planet Alternia. Inhabited only by children, Alternia became somewhat like the Neverland of J.M. Barrie's Peter Pan stories; Mindfang likely inspired the “cruel villain with a missing arm and a missing eye” in Alternia's version of the story, Pupa Pan.