Belongs to Farlow of Lehsunia's Pride
(View Former Prides)


"Cousin of Farlow"

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Lion Stats
0 / 100 (0%)
Level 1
Strength 202 Speed 171
Stamina 172 Smarts 189
Agility 154 Skill 102
Born With: Unknown Total Stats: 990
Lion Currents
Age 14 years, 11 months old
Sex Male
Pose Default
Humble (Good)

Adult Stage
Newborn Stage 100%
Young Cub Stage 100%
Cub Stage 100%
Adolescent Stage 100%
Adult Stage 99.358974358974%
Elder Stage 0%
Appearance Markings
Base Slate (Black Skin) Slot 1: Gregarious Glaze (69%) Tier 3
Slot 3: Ruffian Siamese (64%) Tier 3
Slot 4: Under White 4 (55%) Tier 0
Slot 5: Ukame Undercover (60%) Tier 3
Slot 6: Vagabond Mottled Fissures (82%) Tier 3
Slot 8: Outlaw Cheetah (68%) Tier 3
Genetics Black Dark Countershaded Rare
Eyes Storm
Mane Type Normal
Mane Color Murk
Mutation None
Marking Slots
Equipped Decorations

Scar: Long Left Eye
Scar: Front Leg Right
Scar: Hind Leg Right
Claw Headpiece
Shamanic Death Mittens
Big Cat Bodywear: Leopard
Cute Sudan Cheetah Cub
Lifetime Patrolling Results
Total Patrols 395 Total Stats Gained 746 Total Items Gained 201

- 14Y7M: "You greet Murphy regally and he greets you back with a bowed head, licking your chin in reverence."
- 12Y10M: "You attempt to praise Murphy for a great job in that last play-tussle, but he shook his head and tells you it's all because of your great training."
- 11Y1M: "Murphy seems to have a very manly scar on his tail, which you point out. He sways it side to side with a smile and claims only a cool lion would think such a weak spot is something positive."
- 10Y0M: Received a scar (long left eye) from tussling with Farlow.
- 9Y9M: Received a scar (hind leg right) from tussling with Farlow.
- 5Y4M: "Murphy seems to have a very manly scar on his tail, which you point out. He sways it side to side with a smile and claims only a cool lion would think such a weak spot is something positive."
- 4Y5M: "Murphy plops next to you and tells how he's proud to work under your leadership. You wonder if he ever wants to be a king, but he nuzzles you and says no - he'd be a poor replacement for you!" (2x; 6Y11M)
Received a scar (right frontleg) from tussling with Meerkat.
- 2Y11M: "You greet Murphy regally and he greets you back with a bowed head, licking your chin in reverence.
- 2Y0M: Hired to subordinate. (250P)
- 1Y10M: "You greet Murphy regally and he greets you back with a bowed head, licking your chin in reverence."

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