My lil villainous girl 🥹
Takasa means ‘pure’. She looks like a clone of her father, and would have been the perfect heir if not for the unfortunate fact that she’s female. Nevertheless, she is Mruki’s favorite child, and is spoiled by her father.
When her eldest brother Kisasi leaves to become a rogue, Takasa takes it upon herself to be a worthy heir for her father. Nevermind the fact that she is not the legal princess from Mruki’s reign, and nevermind the existence of her remaining brothers. Mruki never viewed them as worthy successors, why should she?
At first, the pride leave her be. Mruki was a doting father to her, and she was still a cub when he died, she never knew the full horror of his reign. If singing his praises will help her mourn, they’ll allow it for now. But when she somehow acquires his skull and takes to wearing it around…they’re worried, to say the least. Takasa’s mother Nakili is shocked and her littermate Wivu is furious. How did she even get that skull? And WHERE did she get Prince Kisasi’s rabbit fur cloak?
(To those who are curious : Mruki died in a salt pan, which gave way under his paws and trapped him. Unable to fetch his skull herself, Takasa bribed some vultures to acquire it and clean it for her. The rest of the lion’s bones remain in the earth that killed him. As for the cloak, when he left, Kisasi sent his cloak back to his mother, as a sort of remembrance. Takasa intercepted the messenger who brought it and took it for herself. She thinks these symbols make her appear legitimate.)
Takasa intends to stay in the Kalahari Pride, and one day claim the title of Queen that she believes to be hers by right. Since it is…uncommon for a Pride Leader to be a lioness, Takasa plans to find a suitable king to puppet. Someone strong enough to father strong cubs, but dumb enough to be happy just being a figurehead while she makes all the decisions. The one flaw in her plan? The Kalahari Pride is already full to capacity. Their territory will only support so many, and the Pride is huge. Takasa considers killing someone to free up the resources, but she’s not sure she can pull it off as an adolescent, and if she gets caught that makes the rest of her plan far harder. So, she swallows her pride and asks for a place in her uncles territory. She’ll train there, get stronger, and wait for one of the Kalahari elders to die on their own. Maybe she’ll even find a suitable mate while she’s there.
Takasa runs into a problem in the Hidden Valley Pride. His name is Yowë. He’s the perfect candidate for her king: he’s handsome, clever, and (though he hides it well) he’s as bloodthirsty as she is. Takasa had planned to find herself a puppet king, but this one is…different. The idea of having a ruling PARTNER, an equal, is very appealing. She…really, really likes him. The only problem is: Yowë is already in line for his own throne, he doesn’t need her claim to the Kalahari lands. Takasa decides to wait a while…and see what happens.
She’s furious when Yowë gets fed up of waiting for the throne and joins another pride. She hears a rumor that Wema was fed up with his violent tendencies and the royal guard ‘encouraged’ him to move on…but Yowë was much too clever for that. She’s sure of it.
In the end, Takasa never takes her vengeance. Not in the way she originally planned. As she watches her siblings leave or pass on one by one, she sets her heart on a new mission: preserving Mruki’s bloodline. She finds a strong, handsome king nearby, one who has all the traits she desires and demands nothing of her. With him she has many heirs, and while the boys are strong, the girls are the true treasure: born with rare, beautiful coats and fire in their souls. Takasa may never be a queen, but one day, one of her descendants will be, and she makes sure they all know the name of their grandsire.
Takasa’s final cub is a son, M’Taka, named after both herself and her father, to carry on their legacy. M’Taka is blessed with a rare coat like his sisters, and a strength all his own. Takasa sees him as, FINALLY, the heir she’s wanted since she was old enough to plot. He takes to all the physical training she puts him through like a fish to water, becoming a formidable warrior and still strategist. However, he absolutely refuses to be indoctrinated, much to Takasa’s despair. He’s kind, forgiving, and antisocial to a fault. And what’s worse: he has NO desire to be king! His mother is at her wits end, here she has the PERFECT heir to her bloodline, one who could easily oust Kanū and claim the Kalahari Throne and he. Doesn’t want to. She feels like clawing her own eyes out.
As an adult, M’Taka moves to the Kalahari Pride to fill an open guard position. He does it to get a fresh start away from his overbearing mother, but Takasa can see is that he’s FINALLY going to reclaim the throne. She passes peacefully in her sleep, certain that any day she will receive a message from her son, proclaiming himself as King of the Kalahari, and her as Queen Mother.
Her eldest daughter, treasured Mrengo, buries her in her mask and cloak, which she had always regarded as the symbols of her station. Perhaps the once-princess might finally receive some rest, knowing she will be remembered, and her bloodline will live on.
First litter:
1. Mrengo ~ female, kept.
Second litter:
1. Maraufu ~ 794216086514 female, chased at age 2.2
2. Kiruu ~ 794216086515 male, treed at age 1.11
Third litter:
1. Wasio ~ 794217789170 male, traded at age 2.2
Fourth litter:
1. M’taka ~ male, kept.
~As you pass by, Takasa glares at you intently until you are fully out of her sight. You still feel uneasy a while afterwards.
~Takasa catches your attention - she has an idea! She knows of a secret path into the hyena lands...if everyone uses it to sneak in and destroy everything, perhaps your pride could triumph over them once and for all! 3x
~You pass by Takasa lurking in the shadows. She narrows her eyes as she watches you walk by. You are unsure if she is showing contentment or contempt, but it unsettles you. 2x