Belongs to Orion Growle's Pride
(View Former Prides)

Citrus Berry


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Black Stallion/Angelic Blessing: This lioness will fall pregnant on her next breeding no matter her fertility!
This lioness gave birth in the past two years. She is on a breeding cool down and will be breedable again in 2 real life days.
Your lioness has been flirted with 7 times! 3 have failed.
Lion Stats
0 / 100 (0%)
Level 1
Strength 4 Speed 4
Stamina 5 Smarts 5
Agility 5 Skill 4
Born With: Unknown Total Stats: 27
Lion Currents
Age 10 years, 3 months old
Sex Female
Pose Default
Sassy (Snarky)

Adult Stage
Newborn Stage 100%
Young Cub Stage 100%
Cub Stage 100%
Adolescent Stage 100%
Adult Stage 63.461538461538%
Elder Stage 0%
Breeding Info
Father ᚾᛃᛟᚱᛞᚱ (Deceased) Mother *Sweet Summer (g1) - 23953 View Full Heritage
Last Bred 21 days ago Fertility Very Low (1%) View All Cubs Bred (5)
Appearance Markings
Base Mandarin (Clouded Skin) Slot 2: Leg Banding Lilac (44%) Tier 2
Slot 7: White Undersides (92%) Tier 1
Slot 10: Cream Fawn (10%) Tier 6

This lion has 1 marking hidden on the following slot:
Genetics Golden Medium Countershaded Special
Eyes Sunglow
Mane Type Barbary
Mane Color Slate
Mutation Tigon
Marking Slots
Equipped Decorations
Snow-Covered Hut

Angelic Blessing
Bisected Piebald TigonCustom Decor
Little Rascal - Piebald

Albino Barbary Stag
Lifetime Hunting Results
Total Hunts 0 Successful Hunts 0 Success Rate 0%

'Tangelo' G2 Tigon for :
475GB, 1 Giant Tort, 1 Mukombero, 1 MOD: Pie (Wrapped), 1 Xeglun (Decor)
on Jan 1, 2024 at 1am [lmao] aged 1yr, 3 mnths

"You find Citrus Berry splayed out near some water, panting heavily and looking generally miserable. she started to complain about how hot it was today, and how she wanted to go play in the snuh. You give her a weird look - it feels great today, and snuh is way too cold to do anything in!"

"While all the other members of your pride seemed to avoid the river near your lands, Citrus Berry enjoyed swimming playfully for hours each day, always returning with sopping wet fur. You had to admit, it was pretty impressive to watch her dive under the water, and you could always admire a nice pair of strong muscles at work."

"Citrus Berry pushes away another lioness trying to greet you, demanding you greet her first. Right now. After all, the fun does not start until she's around."


1/9/24 (Grew and 1st Litter) : 3 Cubs - Bobby, AMP, Dud
1/31/24 (2nd Litter) : 4 cubs - Primal, Folded Ears, Dud, anddddddd TIGON!!!!!!! <333
3/12 (oops prob missed a breeding) 3 Cubs - Rosette Dud, Rosette AMP, and AMP uggy? (used BF, GMO, and IBF, even used the 15GB all rosette king, and legit so ducking dissappointed dawgggg)

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