"Charisma of Self-Love"

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This lion is immortal! It will not age or get hungry.

Appearance Markings
Base Citrine (Doubloon Skin) Slot 10: Whisper Tips (40%) Tier 3
Genetics Golden Light Countershaded Special
Eyes Intense Heat
Mane Type Thick
Mane Color Styx
Mutation None
Marking Slots
Equipped Decorations
Sunrise Over the Lake

Interstellar Wing Bands
Silver Orange Quartz Ornaments
Empty Bottles of Rum

Nile Trumpet
Mitoretai mitorenai konoyo de ichiban no Beauty
Terashitai yuruganai konoyo de ichiban no LOVE
Jibun de jibun o aisanaide dare ga aishite kuren no?

Oideyo boku gate maneku e

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