You ran up and greeted The Keeper Of Bones happily. Oops, you also knocked her over with your gleeful shoulder-nudge. Ah well, she just fell over giggling and flailing.
The Bonekeeper
"Come in, come in," a voice echoes from deep within a cave. How they heard your pawsteps from all the way out here, you didn't know. "Don't mind the mess. I hardly ever have visitors." their voice called again, slightly feminine with an interesting rasp.
Swallowing down the lump in your throat, you step into the cave, squinting to adjust to the new dim light. It smelled moist, and earthy, and something wet dripped onto your ear. Gross.
As your eyes adjust, you notice a figure sat off to the side, draped over a slab of rock. It was a lioness, you could see now, with deep, intense eyes. She watches as you approach, her gaze unblinking.
"Welcome to the Den of the Bonekeeper." she says, her voice solemn. "Who have you come to seek?"
"The Bonekeeper?" you echo, flicking your ears inquisitively. She bows her head. "That is I. Keeper of Bones, Teller of Stories. I am one of many and yet only myself. I keep the tales of lions passed and pass them on to the generations that follow. One day, a daughter will take my place, and my story will simply be one among her records. Do you understand?"
You nod. You hadn't come to... to seek out any lion's story, but since you were here, you might as well listen to the old Bonekeeper. She was quite charming.
Southern Star, Kinged July of 2023, Retired February of 2024, Died March 2024