NæanorPrincess of Morning’s Dawn | Great Granddaughter of Anes
heir breeding
opal sl - 500sb // stud
gnaw s7 - 35gb // stud
gnaw s8 - 35gb
slot 10: 2x opacity changers 90% - 4gb // stud
lion meat - 7gb
3x yohimbe bark 22gb
buffy - 20gb // stud
Naeanor rests in a foreign home for the time being, in awe of the treatment she's been receiving as of late. In this pride, both rival and ally to her own, the lionesses around her have been nothing but kind. They tend to her beck and call, and the cubs are quite well-mannered. Polite, even. It's bewildering, to say the least; the queen often finding herself wondering what fuels such wild stereotypes held by Mornings' Dawn lions. She decides not to put too much thought into it, instead deciding to let much heavier thoughts weigh on her mind.
To be the bearer of the next Mornings' Dawn heir.. it's so crushing. She feels Deja vu often, especially when thinking of her grandmother, Keil D. who carried the same weight once as Naeanor does now. Of course, KeiJymn is very kind to her.. as is DauKhn who was not shy at all to propose she visit him again sometime outside of such pressing matters. Naeanor isn't bothered, not at all, and quite flattered by the charming King's words. After all, she's sure they could make very fine cubs...
Until, then, it dawns upon her that she could not. At least, not without the permission of her king. Of the new king that will be.. her son. What was the name she discussed prior with KeiJymn? Naegon? She'd have to ask Naegon down the line to.. permit such a thing. How odd. Naeanor shakes her head and tries not to think about it too hard. Perhaps in her time here, waiting to be bred once more, she'll befriend the cool Sovereign. Naeanor finally begins to drift off with this thought gracing her mind, and a small smile tugging at her muzzle.
Its late in the evening when Næanor is visited by the king of Evening’s Dusk. She gives him curt, respectful attention as he details the end of her stay being tomorrow. “Ive enjoyed your time here, even if not for what most lionesses see me for.” The dark-coated lioness snorts as she look away with burning ears. Næanor’s tail disturbs the nest-litter and her claws flex playfully when she swings her paw in a graceful, accentuated-like motion. “You just talk to any gal like that?” While kind, shes blunt and humored by the King.
DauKhn merely laughs amongst a purr and speaks with the same silver tongue, “Only the ones that catch my eye, dear. If you'll allow me to.. I’d love to perceive you.” And, while Næanor isnt a romantic, she certainly can recognize a flutter of interest outside of her heat. Perhaps, just maybe, she’ll be here again.
As if seeing the thoughts displayed clear on her muzzle; Næanor watches as satisfaction slides across DauKhn’s face, smooth as ice. The king offers a quick groom of an ear and, of course, the ebony gal returns the favor with an affectionate swipe of her tongue on the king’s chin. Then, too soon, Næanor watches as DauKhn slowly treads on; his next aspiring location unbeknownst.
slot 8: cream inverted shaded rosette (80%) — 0 kings | 61 living // RARE
only cishr + nhr onsite!! how lovely!