tysm sag for this wonderful baby <3
born february 22, 2024 :3

Milele was born like any other leopon, of course. Unexpected. She nuzzled into her mother, Joe, hiding herself from the world. She could hear her father speaking to her mother. Her father was Bekele, and she knew she would be in his pride some day. She didn't know how she knew, she just did. Bekele squinted at his daughter, tilting his head. It was clear he didn't see his kids much, if at all. He looked like an adolescent, but he certainly wasn't one. "I like her. Can I name her?" He said, his main focus on her, instead of her one other sibling, also unnamed. Joe lifted her snout to look at him. "Sure." She muttered, her tail flicking. "How about..." Bekele paused. "Milele?" He declared, puffing his chest out proudly. Joe laughed softly, shaking her head. "Why not? I will say, 'Milele' is a bit odd for such a young leopon, but alright." Bekele grinned. "I know, it suits her, though. Does it not?"
He reached out a paw hesitantly, then lightly touched his daughter, his paws shaking lightly. "She's... soft." Joe laughed again. "Well, of course she is!" Then, a golden leopardess sauntered into the den, her face nonchalant as ever. Greg approached her grand-gregling, crouching down and sniffing Milele contemptuously. "Is this his child?" She flicked her tail at Bekele, straightening up and sitting down, curling her spotted tail onto her paws. "She is!" Bekele exclaimed excitedly, nearly bouncing with joy, still bashfully smiling. "I see." Greg narrowed her eyes before a small hint of affection flashed in her eyes. "Her name?" -- "Milele." Joe answered. Milele knew her parents cared for her, and Greg did too.
Heat 1: 3 cubs, PON!!! GOOD JOB GIRL!
Items used: Opal Saltlick, Rock Salt, Ochre Powder, Buffalo Scrotum, Zebra Heart, Instant Cub Delivery
Heat 2, 3 cubs, no pon :c but at least a full bo i guess??
Items used: Opal Saltlick, Rock Salt, Buffalo Scrotum, Instant Cub Delivery
Heat 3: 1 cub no pon :c
Items used: Nothing