Belongs to Makosa's Pride
(View Former Prides)


"Lead Huntres and Cub Protecter"

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This lioness will come into heat in 3 days.
Lion Stats
639 / 5390 (11%)
Level 8
Strength 16 Speed 11
Stamina 15 Smarts 10
Agility 11 Skill 14
Born With: Unknown Total Stats: 77
Lion Currents
Age 5 years, 1 month old
Sex Female
Pose Default
Mischievous (Evil)

Adult Stage
Newborn Stage 100%
Young Cub Stage 100%
Cub Stage 100%
Adolescent Stage 100%
Adult Stage 23.717948717949%
Elder Stage 0%
Breeding Info
Father King Zer0 (Deceased) Mother Honor View Full Heritage
Last Bred 23 days ago Fertility Low View All Cubs Bred (0)
Appearance Markings
Base Pewter (Gray Skin) Slot 1: Black Smoke (27%) Tier 3
Slot 2: Copal Quagga (18%) Tier 6
Slot 3: Hyena Stripes Heavy White (60%) Tier 3
Slot 4: Demonic Feralis (15%) Tier 3
Slot 7: Feline 6 Ebony (79%) Tier 5
Slot 8: Onyx Vitiligo (31%) Tier 3
Genetics Black Dark Countershaded Common
Eyes Brown
Mane Type Katanga
Mane Color Divine
Mutation None
Marking Slots
Equipped Decorations
Hyena Lands

Hare Bone Piercings
Lifetime Hunting Results
Total Hunts 35 Successful Hunts 33 Success Rate 94%

Takiri bowed to the small idol of the crocodile deity named Ammit, she murmured something under her breath before standing upright again. She lapped her tongue over her muzzle before trotting away from the statue. The small bone earrings she wore in her ears jingled as she went along, inspecting each of the huntresses in the pride before giving out a yowl.
`` Today we are going on a hunt. We will split into 3 parties each. I will lead the first one, `` She paused and began to round up all the huntresses, then she split them into three groups around the same size. `` And these two parties are to work together. `` The lionesses gave her a nod and let out a yowl of approval that traveled over the vast savannah. Takiri let out a squeak and trotted away, flicking her tail for her party to follow while the other two parties veered off in different directions to hunt.
The party marched towards a patch of territory where the ground was a greey-ish tone and bones lined the outskirts. Such a sight panicked Takiri. She had been here before - and not for a good reason...

Many moons ago, Takiri found herself in the same exact place she was at now, instead she had a bundle of cubs in tow with her. They squeaked and squealed in joy as they explored the bleached bones around them as their mother attempted to gather them all up. The cubs, being cubs, protested against their mother with reasons that only the innocent brains of the cubs could understand. Then, came a growl from behind her. It was not the hiss of a feline, nor one of a normal canine. She turned around to spot a dozen hyenas behind her, eyeing up the cubs and cackling at Takiri. Their lips were upturned in horrid grins as they leapt towards the young lions and nipped at the lioness's paws.

Takiri tried to chase them off, but no matter how hard she tried one would always come back a few moments later with the entire pack of tormenting creatures. Eventually, the lioness grew tired of the torment - she fell to the ground, her chest rising and falling as she tried to get more oxygen into her system. But, she left one this unnacounted for. Her cubs. Blood. And lots of it. The ground was covered in an array of crimson liquid and the insides of the poor cubs.

The hyenas had gotten to the cubs.

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