Belongs to Wren's Lullaby's Pride
(View Former Prides)

Winter 20 and Flower Boy


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This lion is immortal! It will not age or get hungry.

Appearance Markings
Base Ruddy (Butterfly Skin) Slot 1: Sunset Siamese (78%) Tier 3
Slot 2: Under White 5 (85%) Tier 0
Slot 3: Skyward Undercover (60%) Tier 3
Slot 5: Onyx Tips (77%) Tier 1
Slot 7: Under White 4 (65%) Tier 0
Slot 8: Sunset Feralis (93%) Tier 3
Slot 9: White Eyebrows (93%) Tier 1
Genetics Red Dark Countershaded Common
Eyes Yellow
Mane Type Normal
Mane Color Rhodonite
Mutation None
Marking Slots
Equipped Decorations
Cozy Waterhole

Scar: White Eye Left
Tigers Eye
Scar: White Eye Right
Scar: Nose Ridge
Scar: Long Left Eye
Scar: Long Right Eye
Scar: Face
Herb Pouch
Fairy Iris
Admiring Adolescent [Male]
Shiny Rock Left Earring Piercing [White]
Shiny Rock Left Nose Piercing [White]
Shiny Rock Left Triple Eyebrow Piercing [White]
Shiny Rock Right Triple Eyebrow Piercing [White]

Wallow Clutter
Pondoland Fig

You see Winter 20 and Flower Boy taking a small prey item to an injured lioness. So gallant!

You were feeling a little bit of anxiety over the rumor that the hyenas would attack soon. Winter 20 and Flower Boy sat next to you, however, and told you that they would proudly stand by your side no matter what happens.

You heard last night that Winter 20 and Flower Boy cleared some fallen branches and brush from a path near the den. Now the lionesses can drag prey back easier! Nice!


Wren originally assigned Flower Boy to protect and guide Winter, hoping the two would become close friends, but she sees the way he looks at his blind companion. There's definitely something more than friendship there, but Winter hasn't shown any reciprocation of that. Well... at least Flower Boy won't slack in his personal guard duties.

I named Winter and Flower Boy after the personalities I want them to have.

Winter 20 is a song by Birth Day, aka sign crushes motorist, aka Take Care... you get the idea. The song is slow and calming with no lyrics and a mild melancholy air to it. Winter tends to lean towards the quieter side, mostly keeping to himself. He was blinded at an early age and never learned how to properly portray his emotions, and as a result he keeps a neutral expression. He wouldn't have a lot to express anyway, since he isn't very reactive towards much of anything.

Winter 20

Flower Boy, however, is the near polar opposite of Winter. The song by hannahjoycelyn utilizes her soft but powerful and slightly off-key voice, accompanied by a guitar with some notes coming from audibly loose strings that makes it seem like shouting out the song is the only way to do it justice. Flower Boy himself is an incredibly energetic and outspoken lion, though he knows how to tone it down around skittish pridemates. This was one of the sole reasons Wren chose him as Winter's companion. He has the determination and willpower of a god, and thinks he's just as invincible as one.

Flower Boy
No song code here... it's on SoundCloud
10/24/24 <3

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