Belongs to ☀️ Golden Hour ☀️'s Pride
(View Former Prides)

Medium Rare Steak

" TIGON clean"

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This lion is immortal! It will not age or get hungry.

Your lioness has been flirted with 6 times! 4 have failed.
Appearance Markings
Base Harbinger (Pale Skin) Slot 1: Scoundrel Undersides (41%) Tier 3
Slot 3: Vitiligo 5 (28%) Tier 2
Slot 5: Cherry Inverted Cover (28%) Tier 3
Slot 9: Scoundrel Feline (62%) Tier 3
Slot 10: Under White 3 (60%) Tier 0

This lion has 2 markings hidden on the following slots:
11, 12
Genetics Black Dark Solid Special
Eyes Maroon
Mane Type Normal
Mane Color Guardian
Mutation Tigon
Marking Slots
Equipped Decorations
Frozen Valley

Hanging Icicles
Lab Test Frog
Angelic Blessing
Frozen Branches
Snow Flurries
Leucistic Fox

Born May 6th 2024
Used harbinger base

Bought 6th of June for 120gb :)

Medium Rare Steak mews and brushes against you for attention. You give her a playful nudge back towards the direction of her mother. She can handle this needy cub.

Medium Rare Steak noticed your mane was looking a bit dirty and tangled, so she offered to groom it for you. You quickly declined, saying you'll take care of it later on your own. You still had a bald spot from the last time Medium Rare Steak cleaned you with their barbed tongue.

1st heat:
Breeding items used - N/A
Number of cubs - N/A
Notable cubs - N/A
Passed - N/A

2nd heat:
Breeding items used - IBF, Angelic blessing
Number of cubs - 2
Notable cubs - Mottled rosette
Passed - No

3rd heat:
Breeding items used - Grain of paradise, Yohimbe bark, IBF
Number of cubs - 2
Notable cubs - N/A
Passed - No

4th heat:
Breeding items used - Grain of paradise, IBF
Number of cubs - 3
Notable cubs - Rare acacia
Passed - No :(

5th heat:
Breeding items used - Grain of paradise, IBF
Number of cubs - 2
Notable cubs - N/A
Passed - No

6th heat:
Breeding items used - Buffalo scrotum, IBF
Number of cubs - 4
Notable cubs - Harbinger base, Prune base
Passed - No

7th heat:
Breeding items used - buffalo scrotum, IBF
Number of cubs - 3
Notable cubs - N/A
Passed - Yes!!!!

Memory Used: 668.09 KB - Queries: 20 - Query Time: 0.00618 - Total Time: 0.01366s