Born May 6th 2024
Used harbinger base
Bought 6th of June for 120gb :)
Medium Rare Steak mews and brushes against you for attention. You give her a playful nudge back towards the direction of her mother. She can handle this needy cub.
Medium Rare Steak noticed your mane was looking a bit dirty and tangled, so she offered to groom it for you. You quickly declined, saying you'll take care of it later on your own. You still had a bald spot from the last time Medium Rare Steak cleaned you with their barbed tongue.
1st heat:
Breeding items used - N/A
Number of cubs - N/A
Notable cubs - N/A
Passed - N/A
2nd heat:
Breeding items used - IBF, Angelic blessing
Number of cubs - 2
Notable cubs - Mottled rosette
Passed - No
3rd heat:
Breeding items used - Grain of paradise, Yohimbe bark, IBF
Number of cubs - 2
Notable cubs - N/A
Passed - No
4th heat:
Breeding items used - Grain of paradise, IBF
Number of cubs - 3
Notable cubs - Rare acacia
Passed - No :(
5th heat:
Breeding items used - Grain of paradise, IBF
Number of cubs - 2
Notable cubs - N/A
Passed - No
6th heat:
Breeding items used - Buffalo scrotum, IBF
Number of cubs - 4
Notable cubs - Harbinger base, Prune base
Passed - No
7th heat:
Breeding items used - buffalo scrotum, IBF
Number of cubs - 3
Notable cubs - N/A
Passed - Yes!!!!