Belongs to Cinnamon Sun V's Pride
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This cub is immortal! It will not age or get hungry.
Appearance Markings
Base Rosy Brown (Red Skin) Slot 1: Scoria Cover (62%) Tier 0
Slot 2: Cherry Glaze (56%) Tier 3
Slot 8: Goridhe Shaded Rosette (60%) Tier 4
Slot 11: Peach Speckles (41%) Tier 3
Genetics Black Light Countershaded Common
Eyes Amber
Mane Type Normal
Mane Color Mongoose
Mutation Conjoined Cubs
Marking Slots
Equipped Decorations
Wild Waterhole

Conjoined Piebald (Withered)Custom Decor
Olive Striped Frog
Spring Gentian
Carpenter Bee [1]
Amani Sunbird
White-Lipped Frog
Dotted Reed Frog
The Birth Helpers of the pride rush out of Nursing Den, with panic in their eyes and a touch of sadness.
With long strides they find our Queen and quicky explain the sudden intrusion so late in the night. A loinness had given birth recently to a single cub.. though it was like no other cub the pride has ever seen, even the elders looked in awe. This cub was two but one. Conjoined.
The younger Birth Helper then explained that the one who bore the cub ran off in shock after seeing what she brought into the world, and knowing that its fate will be that of suffering.
Not wanting to believe its fate was to die before its first look upon the full moon or its first rain, our Queen gently scruffed the two headed cub and took them out of Den and pride lands.

The Queen unsure of what to do, mindlessly walked on. Her nose picked up the sent she had almost forgotten about... A place she visited before. Picking up into a trot she treked to the primordial Springs. The Queen slipped into the quite springs and without touching the water herself dipped the cubs into the shallows. They let out a shocked squeak, then remain quite as the water laps around them. The Queen hopes that the magic water that she drank all those moons ago, will effect the cubs aswell.

The two minds one body cub, has since then stayed strong. They are kept busy listening to the elders stories and are often taken out of the Den to be warmed by the sun, or carried for short walks with the elders.

Father: Cinnamon Sun the Fourth.
Mother: CBR NCL.
Born female on 6/12/24 2nd Generation.

Frozen on 6/12/24

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