G3 Smilus Heir

"Pretty Special Boy"

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Lion Stats
Cub Training
Level 1
Strength 163 Speed 122
Stamina 108 Smarts 140
Agility 146 Skill 2
Born With: Unknown Total Stats: 681
Lion Currents
Age 8 months old
Sex Male
Forgiving (Good)

Cub Stage
Newborn Stage 100%
Young Cub Stage 100%
Cub Stage 33.333333333333%
Adolescent Stage 0%
Adult Stage 0%
Elder Stage 0%
Chance 81% Protected By Not protected
Appearance Markings
Base Ruddy (Lagoon Skin) Slot 3: Cimmerian Dapple (49%) Tier 1
Slot 4: Cimmerian Inverted Zebra (40%) Tier 6
Slot 5: Cimmerian Panther (51%) Tier 2
Slot 6: Dim Cimmerian (43%) Tier 2
Slot 7: Angelic Mottled Fissures (43%) Tier 3
Slot 8: Fiery Inverted Maracaja (95%) Tier 3

This lion has 1 marking hidden on the following slot:
Genetics Red Dark Countershaded Common
Eyes Grey
Mane Type Tufted
Mane Color Styx
Mutation Primal (Smilus)
Marking Slots
Equipped Decorations
You were enjoying the soft sound of birds. Then, G3 Smilus proudly sauntered up, farted, and then died laughing. They think it's far funnier than you do. Cubs.

G3 Smilus Reserved: 264003 happily helped his classmate up after a really tough tussle. +7% training experience!

The small cliff was a tough climb, but G3 Smilus Heir managed it! He gave some helpful tips to a classmate while he was up there. +6% training experience!

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