Hi there! Meet
~Grunty Garna~ the Traveling lioness
She was sired by my King 𝕭𝖑óð𝖍𝖚𝖓𝖉𝖚𝖗 56205. She is the second Lioness I've ever chosen to do this with, I'm hoping it goes really well!
*Do NOT kill, chase, sell, tree, or nature reserve her PLEASE!!!*
Please return to 𝕭𝖑óð𝖍𝖚𝖓𝖉𝖚𝖗 #56205 when she is around 12 years of age (sooner if you'd like) I do check on her every day to follow her Travels, see her Cubs and who has her!
Rules for breeding
1. You are welcome to breed her, please send her to a new home once the Cubs are weaned. Please do not keep her for more than 5-7 days if she has no upcoming heat. Send to a trusted individual!
2. Please please please do NOT kill, chase, fodder, nature reserve or tree her Cubs. You are allowed to keep them, raffle/give them away- to a TRUSTED ♡ individual. Or even send them to back to me if necessary! #56205
Main Rules of the Traveling Lioness
1. I request you do not change her name or footnote, unless necessary. In which case please change it back to "Traveling Lioness" as soon as possible before sending to the next person.
2. Please do not edit her biography, unless something significant happens. Such as to add mutations bred, special markings, etc. Her father is a Panda Mut.
3. Feel free to add a Decor, but please do not remove any/others unless it is your own and you would like to keep it before sending her into her onto her next adventure.
4. Please do NOT let her starve or run from your pride. I'd also like it if you'd keep her mood in good shape!
5. Please do not remove the sole markings she was bred with, nor any markings other users have added. You are welcome to add a marking to her if you're feeling generous :)
6. Please add your username and ID number here in her biography to keep track of everyone she's visited :D
~ Iridescence's Pride (252592)
~ The Reign of Cyber's Pride (458424)
- Flame Accents - Toxic
- Toxic Embers
- Jewel Beetle Headwear
- Jewel Beetle Bodywear
Grunty Garnas Lore (Add yours here!)
-Grunty Garna was born into an Undead Pride. While being the most laid back of her litter mates, she still had an insatiable hunger for anything she could get her teeth on- as well as a strong desire to wander the lands of Lioden. While young but wise she decided she start her journey as soon as possible. Excited to hunt, meet new prides and one day start to bear her own undead offspring.
- Upon arriving in Cyber's Pride something peculiar happened. A young Common Raven started to follow her around, seemingly shadowing her everywhere she went. She tried to eat the bird a few times but despite that the Raven didn't leave eventually being called Vrykolakas the Greek word for undead. The traditions of this pride were peculiar as lions were constantly coming and going from the pride returning with random items and dropping them in a pile in the center of the camp.
I repeat, only because I feel I must: *Do not KILL, CHASE, SELL, OR NATURE RESERVE her PLEASE!!!
I do check on her every day to follow her Travels, see her Cubs and who has her!