Belongs to ☃ Holofernes ☃'s Pride
(View Former Prides)



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Lion Stats
0 / 100 (0%)
Level 1
Strength 40 Speed 33
Stamina 48 Smarts 44
Agility 45 Skill 24
Born With: Unknown Total Stats: 234
Lion Currents
Age 6 years, 4 months old
Sex Male
Pose Default
Self-Absorbed (Evil)

Adult Stage
Newborn Stage 100%
Young Cub Stage 100%
Cub Stage 100%
Adolescent Stage 100%
Adult Stage 33.333333333333%
Elder Stage 0%
Breeding Info
Father Tanith Mother Evander View Full Heritage
Last Bred N/A Fertility N/A View All Cubs Bred (0)
Appearance Markings
Base Auburn (Burnt Skin) Slot 2: Sunrise Flare (60%) Tier 3
Slot 5: Sunrise Valiant (14%) Tier 3
Slot 7: White Side Band (18%) Tier 1
Slot 10: Gregarious Glaze (57%) Tier 3
Genetics Red Dark Countershaded Common
Eyes Yellow
Mane Type Hellraiser
Mane Color Ebony
Mutation None
Marking Slots
Equipped Decorations

Blood Splatter: Belly
Scar: Beaten Up
Rib Ornaments [Tail Armour]
Goat Horns [Light]
Human Remains
Caracal Rib Ornaments
Bloody Feast
Goat Skull Mask
Lifetime Patrolling Results
Total Patrols 102 Total Stats Gained 204 Total Items Gained 53


The Great Agamemnon!

An outcast, never meant to be king and yet he rules! Accepted lovingly into a pride of which he must always submit to, a king of whom will never see his potential. He waits, he will strike.. none shall know of his coming until it is too late. His memory of his last pride is unclear but he can remember the cool night it happened. Clouds blinded the moon to keep from seeing what fell before her. His claws, gripping a branch that hung loosely between two rocks. His former king sneered all the while, yowling at his lionesses to creep closer and closer. He had no choice but to let go. He allowed the trees to break his fall, his back torn by branches and thorns. And then, black. He thinks fondly of that day. He hopes to one day meet his former king and allow him to bask in the presence of a true monarch. Someday..

Allies: None ( Yet )
Enemies: Current King Holofernes, Lionesses, Atlas, Forthcoming

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