Belongs to Chamaelion's Pride
(View Former Prides)

Atlas Rising

"Next King - Atlas Project"

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Lion Stats
0 / 100 (0%)
Level 1
Strength 113 Speed 108
Stamina 96 Smarts 78
Agility 100 Skill 12
Born With: 493 Total Stats: 507
Lion Currents
Age 2 years, 6 months old
Sex Male
Pose Default
Hyperactive (Snarky)

Adult Stage
Newborn Stage 100%
Young Cub Stage 100%
Cub Stage 100%
Adolescent Stage 100%
Adult Stage 3.8461538461538%
Elder Stage 0%
Breeding Info
Father Henry Crabgrass (Deceased) Mother Lime View Full Heritage
Last Bred N/A Fertility N/A View All Cubs Bred (0)
Appearance Markings
Base Moss Agate (Tan Skin) Slot 3: Bushveld Indri (6%) Tier 2
Slot 4: Cream Undertone (1%) Tier 1
Slot 5: Bushveld Crackle (67%) Tier 2
Slot 6: Celestial Speckles (6%) Tier 3
Slot 8: Feline 9 Blue Glitter (100%) Tier 3
Slot 9: Fuchsia Ghost Feralis (72%) Tier 3
Slot 10: Bushveld Freckles 1 (2%) Tier 2
Slot 11: Lycaon Unders Heavy White (100%) Tier 3
Genetics Cream Dark Countershaded Special
Eyes Yellow
Mane Type Incubus
Mane Color Murk
Mutation None
Marking Slots
Equipped Decorations
Lifetime Patrolling Results
Total Patrols 0 Total Stats Gained 0 Total Items Gained 0

The goal of the Atlas Project is to create a lion that looks like a map.
Incubus mane / Moss Agate or Ra base / Feline 10 blue glitter / white markings to create "poles."

To do:
Increase stats as much as possible

- Ragdoll or Labradorite mane (8gb each) (have moss agate if needed)

- Increase cream undertone opacity - 1gb
- Reduce Bushveld Crackle to see the browns - 1gb

Green markings X2 - dinictis + vitiligo (30-40gb)

+ 1 marking slot
- Hyena spots scarce white

Potentially eventually mut replace w. Withered


Sex Change to male ✔️
Feline 9 Blue Glitter ✔️
Add one marking slots ✔️
Lycaon heavy unders white ✔️
Moss agate base ✔️

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