Leather and Blood
Knowing the fate that was set before his pride, a great war between a vicious heir and cruel, evil beast, King Holofernes sought greater wisdom. From the greater plains they sent a warrior, from a splash of incredulous heat and bitter cold, they rose.
Evander started as a basic lioness, often looked down upon by their superior males, evil and harsh against them. Once they established their desire to become a male lion like those who thought lowly of them. Originally, it was a secret held only to those closest to them but a forced confession let it spread like a plague of locusts. No one could imagine what the pride leader could have done to them, the horrors they imagined were hushed when in the end, they were asked politely to leave.
Forced to track the sun and mop around plains, they struggled for food and water. On an especially dry day, their eyes caught the sun, and with their brisk, dry breath they begged for all they wished, a dying lion's prayer. Black. Then warm, then wet. They awoke in a stir in a cave, alone, with low vision. Their thirst, quenched, but their stomach ached terribly. They pulled themselves from their lay place, and standing at the foot of a pool of water. In awe, they beheld a fierce mane, bundled muscles and whatever else they desired.
They cantered out of the cave, victorious and prideful but painfully hungry. As they clenched in pain, they caught a whiff, a strong aroma that struck them so terribly their stomach produced a roar more ferocious than any male they knew. They beat against the earth, chasing the scent to a small clan of hyenas tearing apart a fresh okapi carcass. With saliva pouring from their gob, they pounced. The teeth digs into the neck of a small brown-gray hyena, hurdling them against a tree. Their claws separate blood and fur in a hunger-crazed haze. It was a blur really, but fulfilling. With all hyena's dead, Evander feasted on the tangy hyena meat and fresh okapi. As he ate, he pondered greatly. Never had they felt so alive in an aggressive, dangerous battle. It was decided therein that this would be their life, a brawl, wars, blood. It felt good.
Evander would go on to fight alongside fellow warriors, protect Lionesses and teach cubs to do the same. That is until he met Holofernes, who begged greatly for their powerful hand to protect them against the evil that stirred in their clan. They could not banish Agamemnon lest he come back with a vengeance stronger than the skies wrath. The only way, Holofernes felt, was to strike when the time was right. Evander was hesitant at first before being presented to Magnus, a beautiful submale who had a past similar to his own. Entranced, he vowed to save the clan, for the right to be Magnus' second half. So it was.
The Evander and Agamemnon occasionally hiss and growl as they pass, waiting until the moment truly presents itself.
Second Half: Magnus
Allies: Lionesses, King Holofernes, Forthcoming
Enemies: Agamemnon
