Belongs to 's Former Pride

~Den keeper~ Eyr

Lion Stats
154241 / 203390 (75%)
Level 44
Strength 505 Speed 516
Stamina 576 Smarts 593
Agility 555 Skill 502
Born With: Unknown Total Stats: 3247
Lion Currents
Age 15 years, 2 months old
Sex Female
Pose Default
Modest (Neutral)

Elder Stage
Newborn Stage 100%
Young Cub Stage 100%
Cub Stage 100%
Adolescent Stage 100%
Adult Stage 100%
Elder Stage 100%
Breeding Info
Father Unknown Mother Unknown View Full Heritage
Last Bred 17 days ago Fertility Good View All Cubs Bred (3)
Appearance Markings
Base Maltese (Black Skin) Slot 1: Under White 1 (98%) Tier 0
Slot 2: White Tips (95%) Tier 1
Slot 3: Black Mask (82%) Tier 1
Slot 4: Dark Brown Coat (43%) Tier 1
Slot 5: White Belly (52%) Tier 0
Slot 6: Black Cover (43%) Tier 1
Slot 7: Cream Coat (100%) Tier 1
Slot 8: Black Gradient 2 (52%) Tier 1
Slot 9: Dorsal Black (43%) Tier 1
Slot 10: Spotting Heavy (55%) Tier 1
Genetics Black Medium Countershaded Uncommon
Eyes Blue
Mane Type Scarce
Mane Color Black
Mutation None
Marking Slots
Equipped Decorations
Lifetime Hunting Results
Total Hunts 1642 Successful Hunts 718 Success Rate 43%

Thank you very much Maizena for this amazing gift!

Nyjan was mourning a loss of his gone daughter, because of mistake that he was guilty for. He was not careful enough, he was unable to protect his pride as he let it to grow too big. He was already dreaming how he will teach her to hunt, and this day, that had to be the first training day - she was gone forever.
Eyr was walking alone in the jungle, she did not have a family. Suddenly young lady heard miserable noises, stabbing right at the heart. She approached Nyjan, mourning his lost daugher. She smiled to him, bowing in respect to a leader.
- I am so sorry for your loss... - she gently whispered, being afraid to startle a giant, who could tear her to pieces. She was barely 1 year and several months old.

Nyjan slowly raised his head towards her direction, and twitched for one second - she reminded him of his daughter! This same fancy maltese coat, like his daughter's, same wise eyes. Then Eyr dared to step another step closer.
- Could I be your daughter? I know this may sound disrespectful, but.... - she was silenced as Nyjan moved and his yes now were staring straight into her's. He smiled. Then stood, and slowly started moving towards the pride, gesturing the little one to join, what she happily did.

Years proved, that Nyjan made a right decision accepting this youngling, who quickly became a respected lioness amongst the others. She hunted very well, and managed to even lead hunts on her own, being always accompanied by princess Mahogi, her best friend :)

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