Belongs to 's Former Pride


Lion Stats
11016 / 74360 (14%)
Level 27
Strength 235 Speed 224
Stamina 263 Smarts 201
Agility 225 Skill 225
Born With: Unknown Total Stats: 1373
Lion Currents
Age 15 years, 3 months old
Sex Female
Pose Default
Gentle (Kind)

Elder Stage
Newborn Stage 100%
Young Cub Stage 100%
Cub Stage 100%
Adolescent Stage 100%
Adult Stage 100%
Elder Stage 100%
Breeding Info
Father Unknown Mother Unknown View Full Heritage
Last Bred More than 20 days ago Fertility Good View All Cubs Bred (3)
Appearance Markings
Base Vandal (Dark Brown Skin) Slot 1: White Undercover (55%) Tier 1
Slot 7: Under White 3 (50%) Tier 0
Slot 8: Under White 2 (45%) Tier 0
Slot 9: Under White 1 (58%) Tier 0
Slot 10: White Tips (49%) Tier 1
Genetics Black Dark Countershaded Common
Eyes Pink
Mane Type Thick
Mane Color Mahogany
Mutation None
Marking Slots
Equipped Decorations
Lifetime Hunting Results
Total Hunts 734 Successful Hunts 445 Success Rate 60%

Status; Royal Advisor
Total Stats; 1026+194
Heiress Name; Lethalan
Cubs; Da'len, Rapture, Splicer, Delta, Lethalan

Kiona came to the pride at a young age, just over a year old, and quickly won the hearts of everyone. She always had a sparkle in her pink eyes, a warm smile on her maw, and she was always, always happy and friendly and calm. The young lioness did not bounce and play and train as other adolescents did, she simply sat and watched the pride, or the clouds pass by, or any little insignificant detail in the world as though it were the most important. She always seemed to be lost in her mind, and even if you greeted her with a snarl she was nothing but nice.

As the beautiful vandal lioness grew, she never changed. She was always the one to defuse tense situations, to break up fights, and she was always the one everyone went to for help or advice or just to vent about the frustrations of each day. And she listened. Kiona loved helping the pride, so once she turned three the young lioness was made the official healer.

Kiona won the heart of Krypt with her sweet nature and the calm air that always seemed to follow her around. The beautiful vandal grew very close to the black king, but always referred to him as an older brother when inquires were made about their relationship, and it was true. Krypt treated her like a baby sister, and she treated him like a cub. But her brother, none the less.

Each time Kiona went into heat, Krypt would help her carefully mull over all the males in the area. And each time, they would pick the perfect male to father her cubs. Many of them were sent to live with Lionoo, a close friend of Krypt, while others were sent to other allies as gifts or pieces in a trade. Except for when Satire was born. There was something about the little black cub with the big green eyes that just won Krypt right over, and she was made to be a Noble once she was of age.

Kiona was shocked but not unhappy to hear of Krypt's plans to divorce Raz and marry Kallisto. In fact, she approved. She did not like Razia, and neither did most of the pride. The beautiful vandal stood president over their wedding, binding them together herself.

The next morning, when Krypt was found dead, Kiona was utterly devastated. She had grown up with the black king, for eight years they were closer than the rest of the pride could imagine. But she didn't even need to think about who did it. Kiona confronted Razia fearlessly, alongside Iri and Kallisto. The calm lioness never got involved when the rest of the pride did, however. She simply turned her back on the scene and returned to her work.

Iri came to see her later that night. She had helped raise the young king, and felt for him as though he were her own son. Kiona agreed to help him, to guide him, as she had done for Krypt so many times. This time, when Kiona went into heat, Iri himself sired her cubs.

Kiona gave birth to Iri's first cub, and first daughter, Da'len. The healer pressured Iridescent to give the beauty to one of Krypt's old friends, for he needed to make strong alliances just as the black king had if he was to be successful. Finally the maltese king gave in, agreeing to hand his first daughter over to Thamani, an old friend of Krypt.

The beautiful vandal was proud to hear of Iri's plans to make Iluvatar queen. He has explained to her that the last daughter of Krypt deserved the throne, and that he did not want either Kuroi or Satire to take the throne, for fear that they were both to much like Razia. Kiona took no offence to this, she was well aware of her daughter's ill temper, and twisted ways, but still she stayed, for she was Kiona's current heir.

Kiona has taken much relief in Iri's control. He had grown into a fine young king, and ruled over the pride with a fierce control that Krypt had never known. The pride was more unified and obedient than it had been in a long time, and it was thanks to the maltese kings' actions.


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