Belongs to 's Former Pride


"zer|0 gen|leading huntress"

Lion Stats
10382 / 18590 (55%)
Level 14
Strength 69 Speed 65
Stamina 65 Smarts 68
Agility 46 Skill 53
Born With: Unknown Total Stats: 366
Lion Currents
Age 15 years, 2 months old
Sex Female
Pose Default
Gentle (Kind)

Elder Stage
Newborn Stage 100%
Young Cub Stage 100%
Cub Stage 100%
Adolescent Stage 100%
Adult Stage 100%
Elder Stage 100%
Breeding Info
Father Unknown Mother Unknown View Full Heritage
Last Bred More than 20 days ago Fertility Good View All Cubs Bred (3)
Appearance Markings
Base Zer (Marbled Skin) Slot 1: White Belly (72%) Tier 0
Slot 2: White Collar (93%) Tier 1
Slot 3: Under Cream 3 (69%) Tier 0
Slot 4: Golden Tail (38%) Tier 0
Slot 6: Leg Stripes (66%) Tier 0
Slot 8: Black Beard (50%) Tier 1
Slot 9: Dorsal Black (39%) Tier 1
Genetics Golden Light Solid Common
Eyes Blue
Mane Type Thick
Mane Color Zarbanu
Mutation None
Marking Slots
Equipped Decorations
Lifetime Hunting Results
Total Hunts 196 Successful Hunts 141 Success Rate 71%

Bought from Logan Howlett (#15718) - 23.09.2013 - age 1 year 1 month, lvl 1, stats 79

One cub:
- male, 1M, 61 inborn stats, cream darker base (#1061508)

Three cubs:
- female, 3M, 424 inborn stats, copper base (#1157790)
- male, 8M, 372 inborn stats, golden 1 base (#1157791)
- male, 9M, 379 inborn stats, golden 1 base (#1157792)

Two cubs:
- female, 5M, 396 inborn stats, golden 1 base (#1277545)
- female, 9M, 398 inborn stats, golden 1 base (#1277546)

Two cubs:
- male, 2M, 246 inborn stats, golden 1 base (#35501370000)
- female, 3M, 237 inborn stats, golden 1 base (#35501370010)

Two cubs:
- male, 2M, 231 inborn stats, golden 1 base (#59279560000)
- female, 5M, 257 inborn stats, golden 1 base, fertility: good (#59279560010)

Sapphire joined the pride as adolescent lioness and quickly become great huntress. After death of Banta she took the leadership of hunting party and provide loads of food for the whole pride. She is the founder of white marked golden 1 line, but her line isn't represented in Basuto's pride anymore. Her two sons Alawar and Almanzor run away with their sisters Sawa and Sophie and some of other younger lionesses to establish their own pride.

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