Belongs to 's Former Pride


Lion Stats
11520 / 21560 (53%)
Level 15
Strength 158 Speed 198
Stamina 176 Smarts 164
Agility 146 Skill 63
Born With: Unknown Total Stats: 905
Lion Currents
Age 15 years, 1 month old
Sex Female
Pose Default
Modest (Neutral)

Elder Stage
Newborn Stage 100%
Young Cub Stage 100%
Cub Stage 100%
Adolescent Stage 100%
Adult Stage 100%
Elder Stage 100%
Breeding Info
Father Unknown Mother *H* Ariel View Full Heritage
Last Bred 13 days ago Fertility High View All Cubs Bred (5)
Appearance Markings
Base White (White Skin) Slot 2: Black Back (100%) Tier 1
Slot 4: Under Cream 3 (99%) Tier 0
Slot 6: Spotting Light (42%) Tier 0
Slot 7: Leg Stripes (46%) Tier 0
Slot 8: Cream Collar (45%) Tier 1
Slot 9: White Beard (42%) Tier 1
Slot 10: White Strokes (57%) Tier 1
Genetics Black Light Solid Common
Eyes Blue
Mane Type Thick
Mane Color Black
Mutation None
Marking Slots
Equipped Decorations
Lifetime Hunting Results
Total Hunts 224 Successful Hunts 143 Success Rate 63%

Name meaning: Sea
Name Origin: Unknown
Rank: Elder

Lineage: cub of Jonas and Ariel
Litters mothered: 6
Litter 1: Nira (f)
Litter 2: Lalana (f) and Songa (f)
Litter 3: Kanai (m)
Litter 4: Liwado (F)
Litter 5: Ile (f)
Litter 6: Kivuli (m) and Baridi (f)
Litter 7: Yamini (m) and Hangaika (f)

Bahari would be the first to admit she was getting old. She had seen her king die, and his daughter and her mate take the throne, only to see them both into the downward slope to middle age. So when her last heat came, she had planned to ignore it, to let her legacy be left in her teenage twins Kivuli and Bairidi.

But then, Queen Shiekh announced the arrival of her heir apparent, a tiny mewling baby girl named Izvara, after the queen she would one day be.

King Zimwe followed this up by saying he would look at all cubs born right before and right after the royal cubs to pick a mate for his young daughter-- and Shortly after Zimwe's ally, Queen Ona announced her pregnancy, and the tournament for the next heir began.

Still, Bahari was hesitant, she had a teenage son Kivuli who would be in the running regardless, he was strong, handsome, and kind. But as it turned out, Kivuli had already taken himself out of the running.

"I can't be what she needs mom, I'm not, attracted to lionesses." Kivuli had told her with steely eyes. "If you want a son to put in the race you'll have to adopt one or have another." And then, he left to live at the edge of their prides territory.

Bairidi, Hearing her brother's confession and anger at their mother came forward to offer a compromise. "Momma, what if I raise them? I'm not old enough to enter, and I won't have a heat until the young queen will be having her first hunt. But if I raise my little brother, then maybe it'll be easier for me. and mine ya know?"

So Bahari agreed, and when he last litter was born she named her son for the promise she had made her elder daughter, Yamini. Bairidi she allowed to name the little girl

"Hangaika" Bairdi breathed holding the tiny cub in her arms "for the excitement I feel in my breast right now."

And so Bahari passed on her last litter to her daughter and quietly made her way to the edge of the territory, to spend her remaining time with her elder son.

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