Belongs to 's Former Pride

Queen Tsubaki [Bro]

"The Flower"

Lion Stats
22194 / 24750 (89%)
Level 16
Strength 167 Speed 156
Stamina 160 Smarts 149
Agility 153 Skill 58
Born With: Unknown Total Stats: 843
Lion Currents
Age 15 years, 2 months old
Sex Female
Pose Default
Soft (Kind)

Elder Stage
Newborn Stage 100%
Young Cub Stage 100%
Cub Stage 100%
Adolescent Stage 100%
Adult Stage 100%
Elder Stage 100%
Breeding Info
Father Unknown Mother Megan View Full Heritage
Last Bred More than 20 days ago Fertility Low View All Cubs Bred (1)
Appearance Markings
Base Brown (Brown Skin) Slot 1: White Undercover (99%) Tier 1
Slot 2: Black Low Flow (46%) Tier 0
Slot 4: Dark Brown Smudge (55%) Tier 1
Slot 5: Black Cover (42%) Tier 1
Slot 6: Black Mask (57%) Tier 1
Genetics Red Medium Solid Common
Eyes Green
Mane Type Heavy
Mane Color Black
Mutation None
Marking Slots
Equipped Decorations
Lifetime Hunting Results
Total Hunts 300 Successful Hunts 290 Success Rate 96%

DOD: 4.2.18


Zevulon, Marjani [parents]
Melrod [sire] Megan [dam] [relation; n/a]
Saiha [sister] [caring, close relationship]
Averma [adopted daughter] [relation; bubbly friendship, despite being mother/daughter]
Venus [adopted daughter] [relation; bubbly friendship, despite being mother/daughter]
Alyds, Saiha II [adopted granddaughters] [relation; typical awesome grandmom love. Tsubaki loves her granddaughters and treats them with much affection and respect.]
Divya, Litsehoana [goddaughters] [relation; Tsubaki treats her goddaughters like her granddaughters. Azusa trusted the lives of these two girls to Tsubaki when they were first born, as Azusa believed that her sister-in-law would provide them with more time as she was busy running Njururi Pride with Tenma.]
Masaya [daughter] [relation; Masaya is Tsubaki's first blood daughter. After many years of wanting a child to survive to adulthood, Vanslau blessed her with a beautiful girl named Masaya. She is very protective of Masaya and trusts the mother of the pride, Mahzala, to guard her life.]


Tenma [late husband] [relation; Tsubaki deeply loved Tenma with all her heart and solemnly believed in growing old with him. He was two years her senior, but still held onto the dream of growing old together. They spent the last year of Tenma's life together, using their time to the fullest.]
Azusa [best friend, confidante, sister-in-law] [relation; Tsubaki and Azusa used to hunt together when they were young adults, growing to be close friends through this. They would remain close even when Tenma, Azusa's brother, married Tsubaki. Both trust each other with their secrets and can often be seen lounging together.]
Blush [frenemy] [relation; Wary of her and Tenma's relationship, Tsubaki was too shy to confront Blush's flirtatious attitude around the late king. After Tenma's passing however, the two have buried the hatchet and considers Blush her good friend.]
Kudra [best friend]
Sophitia [good friend]
Barma [mother-in-law, best friend, deceased]


The Lady reigns with kindness and generosity, her optimism striking a cord in her subjects. Her appearance is average, but it would be her soul that would attract Lord Tenma. Tsubaki's serene and placid nature is calming and soothes those near her, but she often prefers to be alone. The Lady's wisdom and sagacity would mostly be inspired from the late queen, Barma.


Unfortunately, Tsubaki has never been able to provide children who survived to adulthood, but she would adopt children that often had no mothers. Saiha would become an orphan after her mother, Marjani, died of illness. Not yet weaned, the concerned Lord would leave his daughter with the young Tsubaki to nurse her. Similar in the circumstances of Averma and Venus-- while weaned, still needed a motherly figure. Tsubaki's daughters and granddaughters would be one of the joys of her life.

Her marriage to Tenma was obligated and formal, but with passing years, she'd grow fond of the boisterous male. Tsubaki's open-mind and kindness would mold into the lord's impulsive and often (but unknowingly) childish nature. The two, while being opposite, appear to make a great pair and seem to be genuinely fond of each other.

The Lady would need to portray herself as the ideal lioness and get herself well-acquainted with the other females of her pride. She maintains good relations with most of her subjects despite having some disagreements with one; Maiden Blush. She's often seen relaxing with Sophitia and Kudra or strolling with Curator Azusa.

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