View 's Pride

King of the Jungle

Lion Stats
2430 / 2750 (88%)
Level 6
Strength 41 Speed 47
Stamina 38 Smarts 36
Agility 41 Skill 3
Born With: Unknown Total Stats: 206
Lion Currents
Age 9 years old
Energy 100 / 100
Impression Very Impressive
Pose Kind
Humble (Good)

Adult Stage
Newborn Stage 100%
Young Cub Stage 100%
Cub Stage 100%
Adolescent Stage 100%
Adult Stage 53.846153846154%
Elder Stage 0%
Breeding Info
Father Le Grand Saut (Deceased) Mother 3x Feline Noctis (Deceased) View Full Heritage
Last Bred N/A Fertility N/A View All Cubs Bred (0)
Appearance Markings
Base Spectre (Tan Skin) Slot 1: Under White 8 (90%) Tier 0
Slot 2: White Inverted Quagga (95%) Tier 6
Slot 3: Cream Frosting (80%) Tier 1
Slot 4: Feralis Noctis (100%) Tier 6
Slot 5: Noctis Zebra (100%) Tier 6
Slot 6: Feline 4 Noctis (100%) Tier 2
Slot 7: Bone Ghost Feralis (100%) Tier 6
Slot 8: Shell Underfelt (100%) Tier 2
Slot 9: Black Tail (25%) Tier 1
Slot 10: White Mottled Vents (100%) Tier 6
Genetics Black Dark Solid Special
Eyes Black
Mane Type Incubus
Mane Color Skyward
Mutation None
Marking Slots
Equipped Decorations
Hyena Lands

Lab Test Frog
Attacks Defended 4 Explore Steps Taken 7039 NPCs Defeated 1
Lions Sent Away 0 Lions Killed 0
My king Twain was kinged on this account from 2017 to 2024 because of how little I roll this account, which means I have all the time in the world to RMA this one into something cool. Here goes nothing I guess.

RMA #1, Slot One, 2/17/2024
Dark Brown Paw Spotting, T1
Not terrible looking but not what I'm going for. Next.

RMA #2, Slot One, 2/17/2024
Golden Waves, T1
Not going to lie. I forgot about mane markings. This is going to take a while.

RMA #3, Slot One, 2/17/2024
Cream Grit, T1
I like it...but I don't love it. Nor am I particularly after T1 markings in this experience, so...NEXT.

RMA #4, Slot One, 2/17/2024
Red Flow, T1
Another mane marking, excellent. This is going to be a LONG project.

RMA #5, Slot One, 2/17/2024
White Eyebrows, T1
I mean. He already HAD white eyebrows due to the rest of his designs. I like it, but only because nothing changed and now I don't need to go buy another marking removal yet.

RMA #6, Slot One, 2/24/2024
Tangor Paw Spotting, T1
Right, because what this design needed was some orange. NEXT

RMA #7, Slot One, 2/24/2024
Brown Shroud, T0
At least it wasn't a T1. That's all I'll say about this one.

RMA #8, Slot One, 2/24/2024
Chocolate Cowl, T0
Still not looking to add brown to this but I like where your head is at.

RMA #9, Slot One, 2/24/2024
Goridhe Quagga, T6
WOO, Okay! That's what I'm talking about! Not into the gold, but I'll take a T6 place holder marking.

RMA #10, Slot One, 2/24/2024
Gold Underbelly, T1
The only thing I had was a random marking swapper, not an RMA. So I had to go over this slot, and this is how I've been punished.

RMA #11, Slot One, 2/24/2024
Under White 8, T0
You know what?? I like it. This one stays for now. Did I just buy 5 random marking replacers that are now useless until I buy an RMA? Yeah. But whatever. This one is a win.

RMA #12, Slot Two, 2/24/2024
Gold Chest, T0
I don't care how badly you want to see gold in this design it isn't happening.

RMA #13, Slot Two, 2/24/2024
Algae Mist, T1
This was just rude.

RMA #14, Slot Two, 2/24/2024
Golden Half, T0
Did we or did we not just have a conversation about gold in this design

RMA #15, Slot Two, 2/24/2024
White Inverted Quagga, T6
Oh word???? This may be done sooner than I thought, this one stays too.

RMA #16, Slot Three, 2/24/2024
Under White 6, T0
I mean I like it, but I feel like I don't need TWO Under Whites on this design. I appreciate it! Don't punish me, RNG gods, it's just a little excessive to have two imo.

RMA #17, Slot Three, 2/24/2024
Dark Brown Back Hair, T0
Alright yeah that's on me, my bad.

RMA #18, Slot Three, 2/24/2024
Shell Luster, T0
At 85% and on top of two other markings, I could not spot any difference this makes. Pass.

RMA #19, Slot Three, 2/24/2024
Red Dilution, T1
Yikes. Just...yikes.

RMA #20, Slot Three, 2/24/2024
White Cockles Unders, T1
Not in need of another Unders marking, thanks though. I appreciate the effort.

RMA #21, Slot Three, 2/24/2024
Mocha Back Hair, T0
Mocha ????????

RMA #22, Slot Three, 2/24/2024
Fallow Shimmer, T0
It's not awful, but no.

RMA #23, Slot Three, 2/24/2024
Twilight, T1
I've been informed that this is a mane marking. Wonderful

RMA #24, Slot Three, 2/24/2024
Cream Low Flow, T0
Woooo, mane marking. Let's go. Again. (((:

RMA #25, Slot Three, 2/24/2024
Under Cream 7, T0
Mmm no more Under please. Enough Under. One is enough.

RMA #26, Slot Three, 2/24/2024
Briar Sable, T1
It's not that I hate it. I don't. It's just that I'm not after pink, nor T1 markings. It isn't you, it's me.

RMA #27, Slot Three, 2/24/2024
Heather Paw Spotting, T1
Haha awesome, no!

RMA #28, Slot Three, 2/24/2024
Chocolate Points, T1
The only good thing about this is that it only RMA'd in at 20%

RMA #29, Slot Three, 2/24/2024
Coral Cover, T0
Wouldn't it be cool if this was something else? Good because it's about to be, NEXT.

RMA #30, Slot Three, 2/24/2024
Dark Brown Points, T1
This isn't better :D

RMA #31, Slot Three, 2/24/2024
Henna Cloud, T0
I don't like this marking ever, especially not on this design though. Next.

RMA #32, Slot Three, 2/24/2024
Black Low Flow, T0
I only have one of these left. Show me some goods.

RMA #33, Slot Three, 2/24/2024
Chocolate Dilution, T1
Listen here you chocoholic fuckbar, this was the bads. No.

RMA #34, Slot Three, 2/25/2024
Black Puma, T1
Better than the chocolate for now, at least it isn't an eyesore anymore.

RMA #35, Slot Seven, 2/28/2024
Black Cowl, T0
I'm not done with Slot 3 but I did just get some RMAs from a raffle so I'm gonna use them on the other slots instead of the random marking replacers for now. Anyway this is a mane marking I think, zero stars.

RMA #36, Slot Seven, 2/28/2024
Golden Coat, T1
What have you done to my boy??? This is awful?

RMA #37, Slot Nine, 2/28/2024
Cream Cheetah Soft, T1
Now you're just screwing with me.

RMA #38, Slot Seven, 2/28/2024
Bone Ghost Feralis, T6
Oh?? I'm gonna have to take a closer look at this in wardrobe but I might like this. This one stays for now.

RMA #39, Slot Nine, 2/28/2024
Black Ripple, T1
I do like Ripple marks but not what I'm going for rn.

RMA #40, Slot Nine, 2/28/2024
Black Tail, T1
I'm glad it's going for black markings at least, that's nice.

RMA #41, Slot Three, 2/28/2024
Cream Frosting, T1
This is why I can't have nice things.

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